There were plenty of us who derided Identity Crisis at the time it came out, thank you very much. Complete garbage that dragged DC into the gutter and kept it there for a decade and counting.
After season 2 of Buffy, I thought it would be amazing if there were a Superboy series with the same sort of energy and approach to the material and the characters that Buffy had.
Mr. Shu can never. Be. Giles.
Was Mario's a random, plausible-sounding name for a pizza place, or an intentional reference to the place in Ballston?
Do I also remember someone in authority trying to explain her disappearance away as a runaway sort of situation?
A tnettenba?
It can be two things.
I have no problem with the Punisher killing folks. But putting a number on it stretched my suspension of disbelief in ways that leaving it vague probably wouldn't have.
Plus, WB seems embarrassed by the fact that there are superheroes in its superhero movies.
Welcome to the club. I've felt that way about nearly everything DC since about 2004.
But NOT a memorial display.
What did me in there was the sheer volume of his body count - before Frank's in-prison murder spree they kept saying he'd killed 39 people. That's, like, Ted Bundy territory.
All the week, and then some.
I really liked the first third or so of S7. Buffy the Guidance Counselor was a really nice way to bring the show back to a place similar to where it began, with enough differences to be interesting. I liked Somewhat Competent Xander and Less Annoying Dawn. The episode with the girl who could see her own death is an…
Well, the crew minus the ones who got killed off in the damn movie.
Part of my brain spent all of each Avengers movie being relieved that Lenk hadn't yet appeared on screen, and afraid that he was about to.
I can't read, Liz Lemon! I sign my name with a "X"! I think I voted for Nader! For NADER, Liz Lemon!
You know, it's almost like they made up whatever rules they needed for whatever plot exigencies they came up with on that show.
Wasn't Grace a few years older than most of the rest of the cast?