
I've mostly enjoyed the season and forgiven some of the unrealistic silliness but last night was way beyond and about half of the nonsense they crammed in didn't make sense. They really need to edit the crazy just a bit.

It was Vernon. That's why agent Carter was worried that noone could find him. He is supposed to be her star witness

Excellent recap. ITA that these should have aired as separate episodes, way too much ridiculousness for them to be back to back.

Just you! :)

I chose to overlook this but I found it ridiculous as well. I can understand how losing a client could get her off the partner track or taken off other high profile cases but I guess they felt the need to really drive home the fact that the Kettlemans firing her would severely affect her career.

"Whaddaya think I run over street signs by accident?"

Same here! Love interest for Norma perhaps?

Excellent catch! I was waiting for one of them to turn up but completely missed it.

I think we can also look at this as a step towards becoming Saul the CRIMINAL lawyer as opposed to Jimmy the criminal lawyer. In this situation he broke ethical and legal rules but for the "right" reason. It will make it easier for him to descend to the Saul we all know & love.

I too thought the "doing the right thing" comment was referring only to returning the money Jimmy was given, not the entire situation.

I just watched the first 2 episodes and I'm hooked. The one thing I dislike is the weird editing. Glad to read from the comments that it isn't just me that is put off by the jumpy cuts.

That was hilarious although now I keep getting the song stuck in my head!