
When would Robert have an opportunity to kill a Tarley, who are Lannister bannermen? This must have been in some battle before Trident.

I often wondered how they'll do their reveal of Barristan myself. Maybe long hair and a long beard. Can anyone think of how much time passes from when he is banished from the White Cloaks until he meets up with Dany? My guess is between 6 months and a year, but I could be wrong. I get the timeline mixed sometimes. Is

I thought Aerys was telling his drones to burn all of Kingslanding and everyone in it not just the Starks. Isn't that Jaime's excuse?

Groundbreaking comment about all white people looking alike. You have such a fresh and original take on society. Can you comment on the irony of maybe a white cab driver in Haiti or an American nanny in Guatemala?

Nice point, Mancy. I didn't realize that, but you're absolutely right. Pretty cool.

The new book comes out in July. I'll let you know if there's a metaphor on the merits of being a pedantic asshole, Afghamistam.

Cheers. I something briefly about that little tiff online. I bet that household gets wild when the eternal question "who would win in a fight, Batman or Spiderman?" comes up.

I guess you didn't notice, I wrote that you should avoid Umberto Eco if you're having trouble with the more subtle elements of "Game of Thrones." I was just suggesting that you should avoid a novel that is essentially an exercise in semiotics if you were having trouble with such thin symbolism. I wasn't saying GRRM

I notice you're reading "The Name of the Rose." If the symbolism in "Game of Thrones" is too much for you to handle, you should probably stay away from Eco.

Excellent counter and I agree with almost all of your point except one. I think Ned's parting words with Jon are supposed to be awkward. I've always pictured him as a man's man that finds expression difficult. I'm curious to see how his heart to heart with Arya next episode comes off.

I wonder, do the uninitiated get Rob Stark and Theon Greyjoy confused? Those two actors look remarkably alike.

So Full of Shit
You guys are so full of shit. When was the last time anyone listened to 3 coins in a fountain? Or any of those songs. Fuck you.

You should have killed yourself post-degree.

You should watch better movies. You may have better fantasies.

Noah Stink Baumbs
If a Noah Baumbach movie feels like it was made especially for you, then you're a cunt. OK, that's it for me. I'm erasing my profile and never looking at the AV Club again. You should do the same. I mean, it has to be little kids writing this nonsense, right?

The Great Brain Series
Those were my favorite books when I was a kid. I went looking for the series for my nieces a few weeks ago. After browsing over them, I found they're a bit too advanced for the wee'uns. I will definitely buy them in a few years, reread them, and then pass them on.

Save us…
… please, from another Seth Rogan. I hate this fucking kids twitchy gimmick.

Why the accent?
Can any Film/English major explain to me the significance of Cameron Diaz's mock southern accent? Her accent was so bad and obvious I thought it was on purpose. I was thinking there would be some sort of reveal as to why she was speaking that way at the end of the movie, but it never came. I know this

I read it when I was in high school and wanted to like it so much. You know, to be cool. It was terrible, though. I think the Beats are the beneficiaries of a mass hysteria. My cousin's new wife is unaware of my opinion. For Xmas, she bought me a book JK and William S. Burroughs co-authored. I did my best not to

A lot on the nose.
Most of these pop culture rules are really obvious. I like the guy who says he doesn't read Oprah's Book of the Month selections. Really? How quirky! Do you also avoid Tyler Perry movies and almost never watch the View?