RM Thompson

if Glenn Beck was ever on my side i would put a bullet in my head.

Sorry but Superman Returns sucked balls…i saw Man of Steel but that was tons better than that garbage Supes Returns…it was so FUCKING BORING.

yeah NBC is notorious for doing shite like this..anyone remember a show called Newsradio..half the time you never knew what night it was on because NBC in its wisdom decided to move it around all the time…nevermind the fact it was a funny as shit show..NBC exec's are fucking morons….

yeah NBC is notorious for doing shite like this..anyone remember a show called Newsradio..half the time you never knew what night it was on because NBC in its wisdom decided to move it around all the time…nevermind the fact it was a funny as shit show..NBC exec's are fucking morons….

kickass riff from James Valentine.

kickass riff from James Valentine.

limp who?

limp who?

there's a reason he got kicked out of Metallica.

there's a reason he got kicked out of Metallica.

so a guy who isn't all that funny except to people with penis envy is somehow the judge on if women are as funny as men? wow what an effing moron…never liked carolla much, like him even less but then again im not an overly obese obtuse american asshole…

so a guy who isn't all that funny except to people with penis envy is somehow the judge on if women are as funny as men? wow what an effing moron…never liked carolla much, like him even less but then again im not an overly obese obtuse american asshole…