
Gimme Fiction was probably my favorite Spoon record (right ahead of KtM). Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga is lower down on my list. Not to say that it's not good, but I felt that it was a lot of rehash, plus Ghost of You Lingers (not a fan) and Black Like Me (one of the best tracks they've recorded). I don't understand the complaints

If you are going the include a Richard Kelly movie, it has to be Southland Tales, one of the greatest and the worst films of the decade. You admire the man's ambition, but that movie is a mess. Best casting ever though: Justin Timberlake, Wallace Shawn, The Rock, the medium from Poltergeist, Highlander, and a bunch of

The Happening was an uncomfortable moviegoing experience, since I was the only one in the theater I went to on opening day laughing the entire time. I particularly enjoyed SPOILERS AHEAD
the ridiculous manner in which the really annoying kid from Disney's The Kid gets killed. I like to imagine that it's Bruce Willis

French Canuck biker gangs? Putting gravy on your fries = anarchy

Delayed Ownage
After the somewhat empty feeling the Weston execution left, I'm not totally dissatisfied with Zobelle getting away (for now). Especially with his daughter getting hers.

Fuck books, huh? I always preferred to think of ZMF as Kanye West channeling his inner 12 year old, Michael Jackson-style, rather than Josh Modell or some shit.

Great review, Steve H. I agree entirely with your response to the "sky is falling" mentality of other AV Clubbers with respect to this season.

How did you not laugh during Cartman's Rock Band performance of Lady GaGa's "Poker Face," or during the montage featuring his extended version? I was unamused by pretty much the entire episode, but the Cartman bit easily delivered the most laughs I've had over the past few episodes.

Your sister sounds like a bitch.

The Famous
Jett Jackson.

Pretty much. I was so happy to see Ron go home. I was afraid Tom was going to have to take him out back at some point and finish the job, Old Yeller-style. He was in way over his head, even cooking seafood, which is supposed to be his specialty. Hopefully, Robin will be next. Congealed is not how you want a dish

So what's the deal
With Daniels and the redheads? Maybe Nina Sharp is Rhonda Pearlman in the alternative universe?

If the comic strip character Cathy were to make a movie, this would be it.
Great note to end on. I hope that gets blurbed in this film's nonexisting advertising campaign before it is uneventfully pulled from theaters.

If the comic strip character Cathy were to make a movie, this would be it.
Great note to end on. I hope that gets blurbed in this film's nonexisting advertising campaign before it is uneventfully pulled from theaters.

No mention
That NBC's Brian Williams loves these guys?

SBS, I should say.

As with SKS, it's a grower. "Bull Black Nova" rocks.

Saying you love Muse but don't get Radiohead
is like saying you dig ELO, but can't comprehend the Beatles. "The White Album was too ethereal and artistic and shit." Listen to The Bends, asshole, and see what Muse would sound like if they didn't suck.