
The name of the show is Fresh Off he Boat which implies that the show is about RECENT Asian immigrants. They need to have an accent, it adds a bit of authenticity for it, but I think the fake accent is a bit irritating. I know very recent Asian immigrants who's English I can't understand at all! Generally people

I finally watched the two episodes on Friday night and I enjoyed it because I think it's a cute show. I'm a Filipino-Chinese American who grew up in the American Midwest in the '80s and can totally identify with the kids since I have three brothers! The brother after me was the one who always got invited to parties

I agree, to my wife(she grew up in Taiwan until she was 14) and I she sounds like someone who spent much of her life in the US and is struggling to copy her mother's accent. She needs to hire a dialect coach!

The rock version of the Star Wars theme back in 1977. It was on a 45 with the "Millenium" label. I was 11 years old and thought it was a must have.

Yikes! The foot binding part of this episode was tough to watch. My wife's grandmother had bound feet and I have a daughter who is a little bit older than Ji Dao's niece, so that scene hit a bit too close to home for me. I guess Ji Dao is formally the antagonist in this tale which seems to make sense if the

I think she looks like a baby Rorschach out of The Watchmen. Hrrrm.

The show runners would have to be completely inept to get rid of Quinn. His character/actor is clearly the break-out star of this season. They are going to milk whatever x-factor he has now that Damien Lewis is no longer in the cast. Somehow they are going to have Carrie reunite with him in the Middle East somewhere.

When I was watching this show I kept waiting for when Quinn, Carrie, Max, etc would hop on a plane for an operation to take down Haqqani(sp?). Instead we got a dose of Lifetime, and a lurch into House of Cards territory where all the big players cut deals, while the small ones get screwed. Thankfully we've still go

Entertainment executives have this idea that if a white dude isn't a central character white people won't be interested in watching it. The least that they could do was cast a strong actor to be Marco Polo since this story already has a built in white character. If you are correct, then that is really disappointing

Please re-read my post. I'm saying that if Egyptians were portrayed as sub-Saharan Africans, it would be an interesting way to generate controversy and ticket sales. I did not state that Egyptians were "Negroid" sub-Saharan Africans. Maybe you should watch Stargate and you would see that you and I are on the same

It looks like this show took a giant leap towards being about nothing, except maybe an examination of the policeman/woman psyche. Rick seems to be going down the evil path that many cops seem to be on the road to. I saw some weird parallels between the events at Ferguson and some of the cop interactions, like when

Yeah, we can thank Prince for making that style of shorthand popular.

Maybe Arrow should cross over into The Walking Dead for some archer episode with Darryl to sort of spread out the archers in the TV entertainment world.

No one mentioned that they are eating guinea pigs. I was just at a pet store looking at them earlier that evening. Those rodents are highly intelligent and bond readily with humans. Man that hospital really needs to burn!

Yep, I can't wait for her indignant eye rolls to herald the destruction of this messed up arrangement. I just hope the writers didn't decide to incapacitate her in some frustrating way by giving her brain damage, paralysis, or maybe even having her lose her memory.

Double jugs was what I was thinking when I saw Jenny's top after the yoga headstand. I'm surprised Crane didn't get slapped.

Heather Lind who plays the ghost is also a regular in AMC's Turn. She employs her big brown eyes well here to convey intensity. I guess her agent got her this gig since she was already doing revolutionary era drama and has a good feel for the style and mannerisms of that time. It's funny how Ichobod makes her and

The scene around the table with the English officers and between Claire and Jack was one that matched the intensity of some scenes from a Tarantino movie. Watch the bar scene in Inglorious Basterds for a comparison. For a while I thought I was sitting at the table with them drinking the claret and then getting a

Under lesser hands, this show could easily devolve into Starz-Harlequin romance, but under Ron Moore‘s skilled leadership, I don't see that happening.

I grew up in this era too, but the word through the grapevine was that this movie was too stupid to waste time on. Actually with ST:TMP I remember it as sort of a frustrating period in movie Sci-fi where nothing seemed to measure up to Star Wars. After reading this review I'm intrigued enough to rent this out since