
This show seems to put a lot of familiar sci-fi pieces together. Creepy ship computer (2001), android children(AI), questions about the existence of a soul in a computer(Ghost In the Shell, Caprica), to name a few.
Hopefully this show can be as captivating as Spielberg's Taken. This show seems to hint at the

I think the part with the dead bird was the most chilling part. It seemed to me that he "child" learned in its experience to conceal the evil things that it does, and it did so in a way that seemed robotic. Or maybe the bird really was dead already, but from the way he spoke, as a human, I detect that he lied.

I prefer to think of him as Steampunk Khal Drago. At this point he should have some kind of Messiah status amongst the Erathients because he keeps coming back from the dead. He seemed to be the only one who knows what's going on with Irisa until, oops, he died again.

This program has does a nice job at putting themes together which in this week's episode seems to be sexual violence and the knowledge parents have of what their children are up to. As a result for the short term at least, we get compelling TV.

(spoiler)Was anyone as unsympathetic as I was to Doc Yewll at her finger amputation? After all, she did perform Nazi-like experiments on sentient subjects. It also shows that the new E-rep mayor is no Mary Poppins. Those carnivorous worms were nasty. This show is getting darker and I think its a good thing.

My wife is PMS-ing right now. I almost can't blame the Victorians for making that mistake.

One other great aspect of this episode is the demon's knowledge of some of the characters' sins. I really enjoyed how it tormented Sir Malcolm and Victor for what they had done, but I don't think he revealed anything about Chandler which makes Chandler even more of a mystery.

An interesting trend that I think began in Carnivale, the idea that someone associated with the demonic must have black eyes. Why not totally white eyes without pupils?

I think Meegan's character was feeling the excitement of being married to a spy. They may yet make a decent couple considering that she has talent as a "cleaner".

I think a major problem with this show is that the resolutions to the plot issues of every show are unsatisfying. This final episode is a good example. We see a violent showdown between the Yanks and redcoats which ends in a prisoner exchange. What's the fun in that?

I like the music too, but the tunes seemed to be tilted towards Irish folktunes, which is plausible since many of the colonists were from Northern England which would put them in proximity to Scotland. However, the Irishness of the music had me wondering if the showrunners put those tunes in there to please the

There are some revealing pictures of Heather Lind during her stint on Boardwalk Empire online if you really want to see what's under the hood. They don't disappoint.

One of the few not so family friendly lines of the show, but very funny!

I know Jordan is a villain, I`m not a psychopath. I just don't think the movie made me at least see him one in a persuasive way.

Shades of Barry Lyndon. It ain't the 18th Century if someone's damaged honor doesn't require a pistol duel to fix it. I was licking my chops hoping to see Abe wound Simcoe after the Captain decided to waste his shot. Great idea to have the images of Abe's son, Ben, and Caleb flash by to explain why Abe relents in

Instead of a "dance off" those two guys need to have an "act off".

During that opening sequence with the egg, I thought the man sitting at the desk was Ben Franklin. Thankfully, they didn't resort to too much historical twisting and had Sackett. At this juncture I think Franklin was in France negotiating an alliance.

I think the overall use of music in this show is terrific. Maybe it`s a bit heavy on the Irish/Scottish tunes, but they sure were bringing it with the segue from the slave song to Rule Britannia. I think it was one of the rare times that I ever heard the lyrics to the latter tune. And if you think about it, those

Maybe the characters finally got grossed out from licking his palm so many times.

Has anyone noticed that Tom Hiddleston and JJ Feild have never been seen together in the same place?