
So the Andromache is a slaver too, which is not surprising, and another great use of available historical data. A few years back I went to the Field Museum in Chicago to view a pirate exhibit and it morphed into how piracy was closely linked to the triangle trade(especially the slave trade) between America, Africa,

This was actually a lighter episode for me. I tend to watch this show to unwind and to not take it too seriously. It didn't seem right that Tyreese failed to save any of those people, what an epic fail! The young girls' actions seemed realistic, I have a daughter who is near their age.

Uh…no, at least for humans. I don't know about penguins.

I agree. Did the zombie apocalypse destroy all the condoms too? Or are Maggie and Glenn hoarding them all?

I think that Flint has an inkling that his girlfriend's sharing of classical literature with Richard Guthrie may be a signal that she is beginning to stray once more. This can also be added to the possibility that over time the fever of their passionate romance has cooled and Flint may be asking himself "what the

I guess the reviewer thought that since this show was produced by Michael Bay it would have more action and explosions. I didn't have any trouble with all the exposition (some reviewers on this site would refer to that as "moving the pieces around the board"), but I did have some trouble with Richard Guthrie suddenly

I liked that scene with that old Jacobite officer at the fort. It kind of lends an air of farfetched ridiculousness to the idea of taking a Spanish galleon as a prize. "you are the only man who has gotten dumber with age." And then the officer and Flint's quartermaster clasp arms with real manly affection.

Naming this episode also "II" seemed to also imply a duality theme. (spoilers!) Check this out: Two Guthries, Eleanor and Max's relationship(love or lust?), Eleanor's two choices, Vane and Flint as contending pirates, Jon Silver's double dealing, Jon uses two representatives, the wrong Jon(Mr. Syphilis), the map is

I think that that the Clairvoyant can somehow always see the future, that's why he/she knows where S.H.I.E.L.D is all the time, it's part of being psychic. Whether its a superpower or some alien tech, that's yet to be seen. I don't buy that he/she is a mole. On the other hand, as formidable as the clairvoyant is, the

It's a bit strange to remember that Chani was played by Sean Young (who I had a big crush on in the '80s) considering how crazy she got over time. Good point about her firm boobs. They weren't the right consistency if the movie was going to get the water situation right on Arrakis.

I don't know how this show can sustain itself as a series. The excitement from this last episode seems to prove that vampire stories are the most compelling when the vampires are on a rampage. To make the earlier episodes work, they needed to somehow make a better run at the vampire romance angle than the "Breaking

Interesting. I thought the music that played as Dracula stalked his prey sounded like the track from the original Fright Night.

This episode give me a strange feeling of deja vu in that this show feels a bit like Spartacus in the Caribbean. Captain Flint=Spartacus, Pirates=escaped slaves, Royal Navy = Romans, Guthries = Batiati. And at the same time, there's all this talk about "freedom" amongst a multi-ethnic/racial cast.

I disagree with this review. I would give this first episode a solid B. I don't understand what the reviewer means about a show where stuff always seems about to happen. After reading this review before watching it last night I expected a boring talk-fest with little or no action. (spoiler alert!) Instead in the

Sure it did, mainly in the dialogue, but who's paying attention to that when the audience is waiting for the next appearance of Margot Robbie's titties? The "amusing" debauchery tended to drown out any seriousness this film had.

The sin of greed is a major theme in The Hobbit and the dragon is the ultimate symbol of avarice. This theme was sprinkled throughout the movie. The orcs, elves, and men all want a piece of the action. (Spoilers) At the end of this chapter Thorin asks Bilbo for the arkenstone at swordpoint. The Master of Laketown

Sure, but with all the fanfare that accompanied this movie's release, I was expecting something that had more to say than what this film is which seems to me to be a kind of "Animal House goes to Wall Street."

"We identify with him as protagonist but all his actions are distancing mistakes"

I just saw it this evening and personally I'm disappointed. Sure it was fun, but beyond the debauchery and drug trips, the story seems incomplete. I'm not completely sold on why the Jordan is a villain. The FBI was out to get him for money laundering, but the crime seemed too abstract to get worked up over. If

Not fully. But we also had an AFS exchange student one year from Egypt and they seemed to be able compare expressions. Anyway I sense that your experience is probably more valid than my 30 year old memory. I've also always thought that we here in the US are pretty lazy about being fluent in a second language