
Bracing episode overall. However, I'm puzzled as to how the special ops crew was going to play a role in Brody's extraction. Then there was the business about his one comrade getting tortured and holding out for enough time for Brody to get the job done. If they all crossed the border, wouldn't they all get

Yeah that is a pretty ridiculous error. Like we Americans don't have border guards who speak Spanish. Also, I don't think any French people can speak English or German. I guess my Iranian-American classmate from high school's knowledge of Arabic was a fluke too.

I like how quickly this show is moving towards the obvious points of conflict. Hopefully, the showrunners know what they are doing and they don't resolve half baked. I didn't think that the Iona-Dracula lost love connection would reawaken this early in the series. I could feel the heat of the chemistry from their

I thought that the Governor's return to his psychotic self was totally predictable. Why would the show runners eliminate an awesome antagonist? To make it more fun they should have made the former camp leaders even more inept and useless. Maybe have them as fake macho man survivalists? Or take paranoia to comic

I've been in workplaces, clubs, associations, etc. that had leadership which resembled Woodbury's.

Ok, so I guess the addition of exotic weapons are acceptable. I need to go back to reading the original novel.

I think of the Governor as someone who's personality was twisted by power, like one of Tolkien's nazghul. Wandering around by himself was a way for the ring of power to be stripped by him so that his personality could revert to normal. Abe Lincoln once said that if you wanted to test a person's character, give him

Eric's outfit looks too much like in his spare time he plays an ornate grand piano while wearing gaudy rings. Probably has an older brother named George.

I haven't watched this episode yet. Although I am enjoying this show, if Lady Jayne is an experienced vampire hunter, it's puzzling to me why she hasn't figured out that her lover is a vampire. Are there any mirrors in her bedroom, or does Vlad have a reflection and they have decided to ignore that part of the

I liked the small details in this episode. For example, the dead leaves dancing in the wind behind Rick's Hyundai in the beginning are symbolic of the zombie apocalypse. There are others, but that one seems to stick in my mind.

I don't trust Dar Adal, didn't he kill Mozart?

I don't think he's dead yet…

My favorite moments of this episode:

This episode was tedious. As the Klingons would say "Too much talk". I got tired with following the business about who is/was unwanted combined with whether Rumple has too much or just enough in his life to sacrifice it. Instead of fairy tales with an unexpected spin we got a mind numbing exercise in emotional

Yeah, I thought that was weird too.

Yes, I agree with the reviewer, if it isn't a great episode, it sure somehow holds together. I still couldn't suppress an eye roll when Abby finds herself at the ecumenical chapel looking for a sign, but then again, maybe it's a good question to ask where God is in the middle of all these happenings.
The twist at the

Henry V's wooing scene of the French princess has always been really awkward to stage considering how it was written.  I like how the previous scene with the French nobility was done in the large space symbolizing the large geographic areas represented by the characters in the scene, and also the psychological

I love how they characterize the Hessians as your typical stereotypical bad guy Germans, torturers who happen to be competent classical musicians.  They also seemed like Nazi robots in their drive to unleash demons into this world. The cyanide pill felt like a throwback to some cold war spy movie where the East German

Finally saw the episode.  I have to admit all the tech talk seemed like lazy filler, didn't they hire a science consultant for this show?

Miracle Day was a total letdown and the odd thing was is that Jane Espenson was one of the main writers for that season.