Sausage Party

Tone it down, there, Showtime intern. Let's try to keep the persona believable.

I use that line all the time. Nobody ever gets it.

Not in David Pogue form, it isn't.

There are a bunch of good featurettes at the end of the sixth disc, with one addressing specifically the issue of whether Veronica is "meaner" this season than past seasons. Rob brings up both this kid and the little girl Veronica grabs the necklace off.

I can think of at least two things wrong with that title.

I'm fine with the Scion thing, because it gets the Reigning Sound some exposure, and god knows Greg Cartwright deserves it.

My intro to hip hop was Run-DMC on a special episode of 'Reading Rainbow'.

I don't know… it's an entertaining show to bitch about, I'll give it that.

This is probably giving the writers FAR too much credit, but do you think 'eliotsearch.com' is connected to the stupid side plot involving the hand and Louis and whatever the fuck he's on this show for?

There's tons of good AND original 'rock' music being made. It takes a little more work to find, but it's definitely worth while.

They're one of the greatest rock bands out there. Definitely check out 'Love and Curses' and 'Time Bomb High School.'

…Of course, that would require giving Jim some type of credit, and at this point, who wants to do that?

I second that; these interviews (assuming they were in person and filmed) would make great DVD extras, too.

And, of course, Gus taking off his clip-on tie before going to see Tio.

I don't know about empathy for Lucille Bluth, but devotion certainly. She's awesome.


"Love and Theft" is better than "Time Out of Mind," but neither are five star albums.

They would each recognize how badass the other was and totally team up.