
Ugh. Coconut.

The A.V Club, where random people show up 4 months late to defend Micheal Bay from innocuously tepid criticism

If it includes the line,

Wait you said "I have gay sex sometimes" but also "I'm a waste of… human juice". Reconcile!

Let's drag this "college kid" between those two pinball machines and kick him to death.

Something something feminist something something MRA?

No no no. Not troll. 'concept account'

Pigley! Aww…. pigley.

Ending of breaking bad sucked. As in, the final two episodes.

He's doing it now!

I…. have never heard this before.

God no

If you're fourteen it is.

[Swings chain menacingly in circles, whacks self on leg with end of chain, limps home without saying anything]

Nice. You pay the Iron price for Russky in that neighborhood.


Indeed, a Red Wedding that even book readers probably didn't see coming.

Oh well, there you have it, this guy's comment from two weeks ago started it all. Primary source of digital history right there somebody send it to the national archive

"For you, a carving knife from Crate 'N Barrel." *stab*
"For you, a pair of gardening shears." "how thoughtful!" *stab*

This hammer is absolutely smashing!