
If they kill off two of the three Angels, I will watch Charlie's Angels.

DB Cooper!

Tom S is right.

I would totally go to a parking lot mexican circus show.  That sounds like a blast.

I think it restrained that you waited til the sixth paragraph to mention that the whole thing is an attempt to clone Mad Men.

You and Brian Herbert can slap-fight well into the night if it's up to me, but the trouble is getting a cable channel interested enough to send a camera crew.

Myths and legends are for little kids.  If I can crib from the Garth Ennis issue of Powers - if you walked into a bookstore and 99% of romance novels featured nurses, or 99% of mysteries had an alien on the cover, you'd rightly assume that that section was genre trash.  To most people comics are irrelevant because the

It's amazing what this show has us rooting for.  Jesse cooking chili-powder meth for his tweaker friends endangers himself more than anyone else.  The pure meth however is so valuable that it's dangerous to everybody no matter how tangentially involved they are.  Every batch is worth millions - we can go ahead and

Yeah but it added tension and intrigue that Gus risked the plan to save Jesse. 

It was Iocane powder… he had developed an immunity after years of dosing himself with it.

"Well, I'm gonna make it all up to you.  I'm gonna show you kids the time of your life.  Get ready for two weeks in the happiest place on earth - Tijuana!"

Don't say that, they've been waiting for a chance to cancel Arrested Development again.

I dunno guys.  That is a lot of eggs.

One of these things is not like the other.

If you skip the first season, sure.

His last words: "I had every right…"

Yo Mister White do you want a raspberry strudel?

If they wanted Gus dead they could have done it ages ago, without the blood price.  The cartel has lost a half-dozen guys - mostly to Mike's bullets - going after the operation and sending 'the message', while Gus goes to work everyday, in public, with no protection.


Too goddamn shy.