
I get tearful with EVERY emotional film/TV scene when I am flying … it may as well be the teletubbies. It's usually on international flights and I blame sleep deprivation and often having eaten a meal just before watching.

"Mahers and Limbaughs and Coulters and Moores" - Maher does not belong into that line (and neither does Moore, but that's another matter). Maher is actually within a larger mainstream (believing in a free, capitalist society), except for some provocative lines about religion and idiosyncrasies regarding scientific

Funny that you say this. I grew up in Germany (now in the midwest) and our German teacher explained to us that the 19th century national anthem ("Deutschland ueber alles" - Germany above all) does not mean superiority, but rather what you indicate re. Trump's slogan. Both lines can be interpreted differently and have

I am going to see this. But where is the thread where that stupid title gets a treatment?

On this occasion, I want to make people aware that the scull crashing of "the mountain and the viper" is not at all realistic according to my neurosurgical consultant (because you have the funnel effect of the back of the orbits, a very rigid skull and the foramen magnum where any brain would be squeezed through).

I am just waiting for the "Big Clock of Time" taken on by JF.

I agree, but keep in mind that Wagner was an antisemite as well, therefore having one remarkable and rather specific feature associated with Hitler as well … but Wagner was an unpleasant personality anyway, more self centered than the average artist with messianic tendencies, entertaining antisemitism

I agree, but keep in mind that Wagner was an antisemite as well, therefore having one remarkable and rather specific feature associated with Hitler as well … but Wagner was an unpleasant personality anyway, more self centered than the average artist with messianic tendencies, entertaining antisemitism

I am amazed - this important issue is not covered in the huge Brahms bio (Swafford) I just read.  But Brahms is hardly a victim only, as he reportedly filled a whole train car with dynamite to kill poor Hans Rott:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wik… ("final years")

I am amazed - this important issue is not covered in the huge Brahms bio (Swafford) I just read.  But Brahms is hardly a victim only, as he reportedly filled a whole train car with dynamite to kill poor Hans Rott:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wik… ("final years")

Winter's Bone
Just saw it yesterday and don't disagree with inclusion on the list … although I found it was somewhat too rosy, idyllic. Everyone lives on large properties in beautiful nature, people know of each other, have a strong community and are mostly supportive, make beautiful music (everyone plays banjo) …

Frogs … that reminds me
… of the need for another AV club feature: outstandingly cryptic movies, such as
-L'Annee derniere a Marienbad
and, of course, my froggy favorite
-Course du lievre a travers les champs

This is a serious idea to create some buzz.

I don't like Sting too much, although he sometimes uses some interesting jazz cords. But EC should not dare to complain about anyone, neither about Sting nor Billy Joel, until he apologizes for his annoying vibrato (taking my life in your haAaAaAaAand). And some overambitious album covers.

Where is the band these days …
… that really does some less banal music, especially with harmonies? Jamiroquai had some nice interesting Jazz accords not too long ago, but Coldplay, Radiohead … not too exciting, and quite whiny.

I thought this guy just died …
… but he was great in "Blue Thunder".

Holocaust - yes, comedy - yes, action - no.

No, no, not just Nazis, Holocaust action comedy. Otherwise, "the great Escape" with Steve McQueen would qualify also.

I am still waiting for the first action comedy, though …

Everyone seems to hate Billy Bathgate … am I the only one liking this movie (I mean the entire movie, not only Nicole Kidman's pond scene)?