
You seriously just said that line lol. You're embarrassing yourself already man. Do you just wait around for me to answer you back all day? Dude. Just stop talking to me already. if you don't like what I say, then just don't read my comments. But I'm not going to stop speaking my mind for you ever. Please stop

You have no intelligence therefore what you say about me has zero meaning. I honestly don't care what anyone says about me on here. You don't know me so why would I care at all? So keep calling me a jackass. I'm pretty sure I will get over it. I've had lots of good stuff to say because I've had good conversations

I thought Buffy was good its first season. Angel was not good. And the characters were good on Buffy right away. And even Angel, you knew Angel and Cordelia were good characters right away. (since they were on Buffy) If the show isn't great right away, but you like the characters, it's very different. SHIELD,

The characters are bad so I see no chemistry. And it seems like a childish show to me. People need to just talk about this show. Whedon's past is his past. Every show needs time to improve. That's just an excuse.

Get over yourself man. It's a website. I don't need to be formal on here. How sensitive are you man? I think critics are much easier on any Sci Fi show or Marvel show. Such as SHIELD compared to Blacklist. Even if neither show is great, I know they will grade easier on SHIELD than Blacklist. And that's exactly

I was surprised how huge the ratings were for this show.

Hey dwarf. All i did was state my opinion. And i will continue to do so. My opinion is a great one. You just don't agree with it so you call me a jack ass. That's how a lot of u people work. You don't agree so you call people a jackass. The writer is definitely easier on the show because it's Marvel and Joss

If people think this show is good, then Blacklist has to get better reviews on this site. If our standards are that low, then other shows have to get better grades by the people too. It can't just be low standards for any Sci fi show or Marvel show.

You've now said the same thing to me and other people about 20 times now. I will speak my mind. I will not speak how you want me to speak. You take this way too seriously. That is by far your biggest problem. It's a TV show we're talking about. I can't talk to you anymore. Bye.

Maybe you want to repeat the same thing a few more 100 times? Are you even 10 years old? You're obsessed with conspiracies. IF it wasn't Marvel, people would be more willing to say the show has been bad so far. Not hard to understand, I guess it is for you.

Pretty sure that is your IQ. You are completely embarrassing yourself already.

The hypocrisy never ends with that person.

I agreee.

When they all act like children, it's hard to take the show seriously.

Thank you.

But even when those other shows were struggling at the beginning, I thought the characters were good. Not this show.

I'm sure you are afraid. I'm sure you're very good at telling people online on how we should behave and what we have the right to say or not say. And calling us immature. I'm sure you never do any of that in person.

Are the most annoying person on the planet? You keep going around preaching the same thing over and over again. Thinking so high of yourself. Get over yourself and move on. You're officially pushing it. I am definitely not 12. I find you to be very full of yourself and I don't like it.

Well aren't you just so amazing. Why don't you applaud yourself.

and how is it possible that not one episode of the series has gotten a C yet? Seems ridiculous to me.