
I guess. But that wasn't even a TV show. It's a tiny musical movie.

That's genius!!!

It seems to be ABC's way. They do it with OUAT too.

But he's not a full time writer for his tv shows anymore. He was for Dollhouse, etc

Well get over it. You find something so small so frustrating. You're ridiculous. It's a site where we're talking about a TV show. This is not that important. Move on!!!! I stand by what i said.

I didn't watch that show. But if that's true, that's sad. Right? Bc a CW show being better over a joss whedon show is pretty pathetic,

I completely agree. I wish ABC wasn't so obsessed with making sci fi family shows. It's disappointing.

You're obsessed lol. Seriously. You can't stop talking to me. Ignore my comments if you disagree so much. Wow. I stand by what i said. Move on.

I agree. And i thought about it. It's not a abc family show like OUAT. It's more of a CW show.

Dude. Stop talking to me. I don't care if you disagree with me. I'll state my opinion just like you state yours. That's all i did. You don't like it. That's tough.

Characters are by far the biggest problem of this show.

Shut up already. If you don't like what i say, then don't read it. Enough with your people have diff opinions. Talk about a child, You're more sensitive than a child. Don't read my post. I will say whatever i choose to say. And you started this garbage last week. I am stating my opinions. Do you get it? Stop

Thank you. I don't know what Pascale is talking about. This episode was not better. He's just going to say it's better because it's a Marvel show or a science fiction show or Joss Whedon show. This is getting ridiculous. Talk about low standards. If this wasn't Joss, people would be saying how horrible the show

AncientShenaigan is a bit slow.  I can't help that you like dumbed down TV.  You're talking about war when we're talking about a TV show?  Seriously?  That's beyond stupid.  It's a children's show.  If you love that or hate it, that's up to you.  But it is a children's show.  Deal with it.  
And yes Foosball.  I do

Correct.  Another thing people don't get.  He's not the lead writer on the show like he was on Buffy, Angel, Firefly.  He's a big movie director now.  He doesn't have the time to be the lead writer for a Tv show.  His brother and some other person are the lead writers.  Just like JJ Abrams does not write any of his

Exactly my point.  Sleepy Hollow at least feels like an adult show.  And the two characters are good.

Stop giving me your stupid different opinions garbage.  I don't need you to preach to me what an opinion is.  The show is a children's show.  If people admit that, then give it whatever grade you want.

If you're ten years old.

i'm completely with you.  Some people can't say anything bad about it because it's Joss Whedon and a spin off of the Avengers.  How this show has gotten a B, B- and B so far, amazes me.  Talk about low standards.  If there is an episode that is slightly good, it will get an A+.   If this show was just a superpower

Not really.  I keep hoping it will get better.  But, unlike some people, I don't care about action.  Every show or movie can have action today.  It's easy with the technology we have.  I go by characters, story and writing.  The characters are bad,  The story is boring.  The writing is okay.  I'm surprised the ratings