
Yep, me too. But I do not have young daughters.

Can't you sneak them in? We won't tell.

The scene a couple of episodes back with the 3 kids running around her grave was quite enough for me.

They certainly have a supply of rubber sheets/mattress protectors somewehre in that house.

I was thinking that Xo is awfully far behind on her Downton Abbey viewing. And then I thought that when this is seen in reruns in the future, no one will realize that fact. Just thought I would share.

I agree with you twice! the college paper and #NotEnoughAlba

Let us not forget his frequent appearances on the acclaimed game show Numberwang.

Just realized Lilian's surname is Kaushtupper…and why.

My guess is if the ratings allow, they will get engaged at the zoo and Season 2 will be "A to Z of being engaged" and Season 3 will be A-Z marriage and then a shark will be jumped in order for us to have A-Z of parenting.

Wasn't his late husband also his first boyfriend? So he's not very experienced at dating. He may actually think this hot young man likes him.

This was great. Thanks for helping me to define why I want to kick them: "What Fitz and Olivia have is essentially a folie a deux, a collaborative delusion of how pristine and simple their lives could be if only they weren’t crushed by a sense of duty. Their insatiable egos depend on a sacrifice narrative"

I was entertained by how Jake and Rowan and Tom are worried about "the electric chair." It seemed so quaint. In this show, everyone just murders whoever they feel like, or hires Charlie to do it for them. The only consequence is feeling guilty and wondering if this job is destroying what's left of your humanity. And