
I hope you don't think my comment was an insult to the film. If anything, I meant it as a compliment.

Anyone remember Christy? I used to watch that with my grandmother.

And I just watched the 20 second clip she tweeted. Completely awful. It looks like a sanitized Nickelodeon remake of Rocky Horror, lacking all of the innocent sexiness that Susan Sarandon brought to the scene.

The tickets were sold out before the run even started. You would have had to know about it months in advance, sadly.

Sorry, I only debate Trump supporters on facebook.


I wish we had a video recording of her doing "Surabaya Johnny" from Happy End. The live audio sounds fantastic.

I agree she's no Judy Kaye, but again I'd encourage you to listen to some of her earlier stuff. As she got older, her voice lost some of its potency (as happens to all singers.)

How talented does one have to be before we can call them "talented"? I would say Streep is talented, she's clearly had vocal/music theory training. Rent the DVD of Alice at the Palace.

It's unfortunate, because the play about her on Broadway a decade ago (called Souvenir) was really excellent.

Finally caught up with this episode after the first three left me ambivalent. I'm very glad I did - this episode is without a doubt the best and funniest yet. Keep up this level of quality and the rest of the show will be terrific.

That was my takeaway, yes.

I think Primer needed to be explained a lot more than Upstream Color. Even if you don't follow every single thing that's happening in Upstream Color, you generally get the gist of it. After watching Primer twice I still needed to find a spreadsheet on the internet to get the hang of it.

Sorry, this was a few years ago and I barely could have remembered more specifics a few days later, let alone a few years later. I think it probably had something to do with his lack of money - he purchased the camera and then in the time it took to raise more funding or whatever, it went out of date quickly, and he

I'm with DoQui - I thought it was such a beautiful and emotional experience, I was kind of bummed when Carruth explained so much of the plot at the Q&A. I think, like Mulholland Dr., the movie doesn't need to be about story to be effective.

I am not a technical slob, but I was at a Q&A Carruth did after a screening in NYC where someone asked him about what he shot the film on, if it was a GH2 or a GH3 or whatever. He (unsurprisingly) didn't want to say, but he did say that he significantly modified the camera from the factory version to get it to do what

I would suggest giving Upstream Color a chance. You might hate it, but at the very least, the cinematography is gorgeous in a way that Primer never is.

It's currently playing in one theater in NYC. I imagine it will move from city to city, playing in one theater for a week in each.

I adored Upstream Color. I thought it was better than Primer in almost every way.

When are we getting a Mario 3D World 2??