
Nobody likes the guy at karaoke who requests Paradise By the Dashboard Lights.

My go-to "bummer song" at karaoke is "The Freshman" by The Verve Pipe, because I loved it so much in middle school and it really is exactly in my range - there are a few higher notes but nothing to strain the voice like Queen or Bowie.

I know that conspiracy theory was thrown around a couple of times, but I don't know if that actually had anything to do with its renewal. Well, maybe with the final season's renewal…

Fringe was always a show I admired and liked more than I loved. I know I'm greatly in the minority there. I tend to think that the journey that each season took you on was much better than where it ended up. Fringe, at its best, was a fantastic thrust of forward momentum. When that momentum dried up, not much was

Again, I apologize if my comments were difficult to parse, but I included the words "might be" (and "probably" in my second comment) in there specifically on purpose.

Well, I did say "might be." I would love for the US to have a viable third party option, I think the two party system is inherently undemocratic.

I was kind of alluding to that - in the EU referendum there were only two options, so your protest vote was stupid (and destructive, as Abnormal Fescue puts it.) In America, voting for a 3rd party candidate probably won't change the outcome of the election that much, especially since the people casting these "protest

There's a difference between a protest vote for a 3rd party candidate and a protest vote for Trump. One might be meaningless, the other is just stupid.

Hi Sara, you're the best! Loved the short!

LaToya, amazing finale review. Thank you so much. I cried three times during the finale and almost as much while reading this review.

This suit Burns' better

2009 was seven years ago!

Those awards have been presented during the commercials for several years now, unfortunately.

Well, "always" these days. It wasn't that long ago (less than a decade, I think) when Book and Score were presented every year on air.

The song was whatever, but those kids were amazing!

It'll definitely be put on youtube.

It was pre-recorded.

You can find the statement through Google. It ain't great, but she's only 20. I thought some pretty dumb things when I was 20 too (we live in a post-racial society! Boy, that's embarrassing.)

Yep. The account is deleted again. You can find the statement through Google.

This is exactly what happens, as someone who has been on the receiving end of this. These companies that buy up your bad debt will then send you a letter saying, "You owe (full amount) but if you act now you only have to pay (40% of full amount)!" And of course, they probably bought your debt for 10% of the full