
This usually doesn't happen, and certainly won't within three years. Maybe in a decade.

Beat me to it.

Also, Megan Fox isn't exactly picking and choosing which franchises she should do next. A lot of her offers dried up after Jennifer's Body showed she couldn't open a movie.

He's an ok singer. Better than Finch, I'd say. He's actually a pianist first and foremost.

Two of my friends were on "A More Perfect Union"! One was Reese's drunk date, and the other was the original Irish uncle on the photo ID.

I actually totally agree with you - Helix's ads were effective, and the Outcast ads don't tell me anything about the show. They just kind of remind me of Helix's ads.

Death it is.

I've seen On the Town quite a few times, and I had no idea Bea Benederet was in it.

"The sky is blue, for example, doesn't need multiple paragraphs." - tell that to any person with a toddler or a physics degree.

Sure, but with so many homicides being prevented by Samaritan, it has to stand to reason that the ones they are still getting numbers for having a higher than usual chance of involving Samaritan in some way.

Pretty great episode, but man, it took Finch and Root a long time to realize that Samaritan was the one targeting this number. You'd think that, these days, Samaritan is suspect #1 (or at least on the table) for most of these numbers.

Thanks, boo. We all have to be good at something. *kissy face emoji*

It definitely does seem like a Bible story the Japanese would love, like something out of Kwaidan.

Of course you're right. But it does seem to me, purely anecdotally, that they get less attention than the protocanonical books. Unless you're at a wedding, then it's all Tobit, all the time.

Well….it's deuterocanonical.

She says she's 15 in the link I provided you. Was that part of Bowie's "grooming" too, to make her pretend that she was one year older? Does she still think she's a year older than she actually is? Who knew Bowie was so great at brainwashing people! He clearly missed his true calling - working for the CIA. (Well, MI6,

Honestly it doesn't matter what I say, because clearly you've already made up your mind. But yes, to most people there is a huge difference between R. Kelly grooming girls and (in their own words) ruining their lives, and what the 15 year old that Bowie had sex with describes in this first-person account: https://www.t

Can you name a more awesome one??

I really enjoy the fact that your moral worldview is "all bad things are equally bad, regardless of context." Like, Stalin is just as bad as George Washington because they both were responsible for the deaths of people they led. Must be a fun way to live.

I did something similar, except the girl I lost it to stayed in my life and years later found out that I had lied to her….that was awkward.