
Snafu was clearly the superior episode - I seriously teared up when Finch was talking to the Machine. I can't believe this show managed to give the Machine so much of a personality with such little dialogue (and none of it spoken.) Who would've guessed when this show started that the Machine would become one of the

When is the new episode review going up?? Did anyone else cry?

I have to say- I can't really argue with most of the criticisms in this review. But I still really enjoyed this episode, and the scenes with Jax and his dad really made me tear up. I thought that relationship was really well-written.

Don't mention in on twitter. There are literally dozens of people with nothing better to do than constantly search for tweets mentioning circumcision and trolling the people tweeting about it. It was fun for like one day. Eventually everyone in the canoe had to block them, since they kept coming.

Weird. Thanks!

What was the Hassler subplot?

Ethan is not of the body!

Not for people whose lives were directly affected by it. Maybe if this guy had his business in Oregon, there wouldn't be protests outside his building, but in New York? There certainly would be.

Zod, that's your solution to everything: living under the sea. It's not going to happen!

You and I had very different sex fantasies at age 12. Mine didn't involve women trying to escape being lobotomized.

*sigh* Sucker Punch isn't a rape fantasy.

The wrong Zod died!

Oh, I think adjectives have always been more racist than prepositions, they've just gotten worse at hiding it in recent years.

PoC ain't a racist term, don't worry. Feel free to keep using it.

I'm also a huge fan of the captions.

Man, I love this show. I'm gonna be super bummed if this is the last we get of it. At the very least, it introduced be to Britt Lower, who I think is super talented - her first Woman Seeking Man is still the high point of the series for me.

Responded to who directly? What does this have to do with the wacky antics of Jess, Schmidt, Winston, and Nick?

Did you mean to post this on the Left Behind review?

Is Terrence Malick devoutly Christian? I thought he was one of those artists who has a tortured, on-and-off-again relationship with God, like Bresson.