
Ah, I just commented above. I should've read down. I really liked it, and I thought that Malek did a fantastic job playing the protagonist.

Did anyone watch the Mr. Robot pilot? Surprisingly gripping and suspenseful! Very good cast, too.

Apparently she's going to be more prominent in season 2.

Ok…feel free to put whatever you want on your dating profile dude. Don't be surprised if prospective dates might be turned off by it.

I totally agree with you. So it'd be nice if the show stopped reminding us that he does exist every two minutes. (I'm sure they will after the pilot.)

I mean, she could've at least told us about him visiting - the way she makes it sound it that he dropped her off and they never saw each other again. I guess he doesn't believe in family reunions.

Fair enough! As I am a man (and not a young Gena Rowlands, as one might think from my avi), maybe this plays better to women. I didn't get much of that from the pilot, but maybe it is intended to be a subtle inference or something.

I'm sure everyone who follows me on twitter is sick of me bitching about this, so I'll bitch about it here - I think the best version of Supergirl is the 90s Linda Danvers Supergirl. Quite honestly, no other Supergirl has ever been that interesting to me. And this Supergirl isn't very interesting to me either. Like,

Um…no it's not. I didn't love it, but it's seriously doing the show a disservice to say it's an hour long version of that sketch.

Drinks can often turn into dinner, if the date is going well. I'd just rather not lead off with that, especially since I don't want to pay for a dinner if I'm with someone I end up not clicking with.

Pretty much any Catholic who has grown up in the past few decades in a) major cities or b) the Northeast has no idea that there are a huge number of people who don't actually consider them Christian.

What is this even in response to?

I think dinner seems way too serious for a first online date. Start with happy hour, like @Natalie says.

Not sure why trans women is in scare quotes? Many trans women also have vaginas (all of the ones I know do). Yes, knowing what set of genitals your partner has is important. I think we can all agree on that.

I actually wouldn't really consider myself pansexual. I know lots of people I wouldn't want to have sex with either. What I'm saying is just I try not to eliminate entire categories based on those people. To go back to the overweight example - I know several overweight women I'm not attracted to. But I'm not ruling

I'm not sure why we're arguing then? As @JGoo:disqus said below: "If I were to assume there to be no difference (mentally or physically) between a trans woman and a cis woman, then I would find your/Dan's argument persuasive. Under that assumption, there would be no non-bigoted reason to explicitly exclude trans

So there are two things that I like to do - give everyone an equal chance, and try not to hurt people. It hurts when someone says, "Because you're in this category, I will never love you." There are plenty of ways to express "I will never love you" without including the first part (which is what makes it hurt.) As I

Sure. But if it's specifically because you discovered that she was trans, and no other reasons, I stand by my statement - that seems kind of transphobic.

"The trans community" is not a monolith. It's made up of people who have different opinions and desires.

Well, here's the thing - you don't have to go on a date with anyone you don't want to go on a date with. If a man finds my okcupid profile and messages me, I don't have to message him back. If, in the above letter, a trans woman messages that woman, she doesn't have to message her back. These profiles have pictures,