Bizarre, but you're joking.
Bizarre, but you're joking.
Mark Millar licks goats.
Nobody mentioning Gareth's great final line to the queen? "You've either got to lose or gain a lot of weight." I was literally dying.
No actual nudity from her in that movie, but she spends much of it in a bikini.
My movie tickets cost $15.
I went back and read your old comments…your situation sounds a lot like what happened to me this past year. It was tough. Really tough. I'm sorry.
So each week, I've been inviting a bunch of musical theater friends over and watching it, and really enjoying it. I think the trick is to watch this show with a bunch of friends who enjoy silliness - watching by myself I probably wouldn't enjoy it nearly as much.
Happy birthday, Rachael Harris! You're super hot:…
I think Netflix is just hoping their Marvel shows will bring them new subscribers after Avengers 2 makes a billion dollars.
It's possible, but House of Cards brings Netflix Emmy nominations. Person of Interest, sadly, will not do that.
This is some of the most brilliant, moving television I've ever seen. How in the world can this show be so good? Why can't I convince more people to watch it? I want to share this with everyone I know so we can all laugh and cry together.
I saw it, and it was not bad. It probably should've been an off-Broadway show though. It was too small in scale for a Broadway house.
Could you be thinking of this? In it, he plays a writer who is in the afterlife……
I love that Person of Interest is the People's Top Pick, Now and Forever. Not only does it make me laugh every time I read it, it's also very true - that is my top pick, always.
I agree, Omundson is hilarious. But just judging purely on technique, I would say Sasse has the better singing voice - his held high note in the song at the beginning of the second episode was quite impressive.
My biggest problem with the training montage in the second episode is that I felt they missed the opportunity to cut in scenes of King Richard "training" to be more masculine. THAT would've been a hoot.
Yeah, they definitely should've changed it to Jean Stamos.
Karen David said on twitter that she's so happy to be playing a Disney princess.
I was watching with a group of my friends, and after that song I turned to them and said I need that sheet music so we can sing this at piano bars.
You think Sasse can't sell his singing? I was very impressed with his voice.