Agree with all of this. Again, I say that Henry Ian Cusick was a pretty darn good Jesus.
Agree with all of this. Again, I say that Henry Ian Cusick was a pretty darn good Jesus.
Thomas is kind of boring, IMO - not a lot of interesting stuff there unless you're really into gnosticism. Peter's Gospel is pretty cool. I like the walking, talking cross in it.
@avclub-564cbf141fa957820529f76dc248e9fe:disqus No, we don't have any historical evidence of an amanuensis being used to compose any of the Gospels. But Paul's letters were certainly used that way - they testify to it themselves. And they were probably roughly contemporary with the Gospel of Mark, at least.
That doesn't surprise me. What does surprise me is how many evangelicals seem to like it a lot. Of course, it surprises me that anyone could like this at all.
@avclub-564cbf141fa957820529f76dc248e9fe:disqus It's possible that Jesus's followers did write the Gospels through amanuenses, though. I actually think it's more likely that John wrote his Gospel than, say, Matthew - Polycarp of Smyrna was apparently a disciple of his and confirmed his authorship. And it's pretty…
As anyone reading this review probably knows, I've been posting lengthy screeds in each Tuesday's edition of What's On Tonight of that week's episode of The Bible. After watching these final two hours, I just can't even work up the desire to rail against it. I do want to say one thing, though - not only is this…
To be fair, she's just as good if not better than most of the terrible actors on display.
You wouldn't get anything more from the review if you had watched it. Trust me, I'm disposed to enjoy Biblical art, and I hated it. A D is kind, IMO.
@avclub-a454375c08769338ac751fbe05cb4a4e:disqus First of all, John the Apostle probably died before completing his Gospel - that's why it has two endings. So it's pretty unlikely that he moved to Patmos afterwards. Secondly, if he did manage to finish his Gospel and move to Patmos, that much time didn't elapse. Most…
I absolutely loved both of these episodes - a great way to finish out the season. (Finnish out the season?)
I'm guessing that what we heard of Shirley Jones is about as good as her singing gets at her age. Very few 78-year-olds are as good as they were forty years earlier. In fact, none are. I thought she still sounded quite good.
Were you about to talk about how great she was in the recent Broadway revival of Pal Joey? Cause I agree, she was great!
Yes, it's worth watching as a standalone. There was one reference I counted to an ongoing plot - Gus's relationship with a single mother.
@avclub-3deae7321deafd837cee7c55bc02b58d:disqus I don't know if you're interested in continuing the conversation, but the reason behind the doctrine of atonement is in Paul's writings - since death and sin came into this world through one man, Adam, for life and righteousness to enter, one (perfect) man had to atone,…
@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus For a John Huston film? That's sad to hear.
Jesus kills other kids in the Infancy Gospel of Thomas. He does bring them back from the dead later, to be fair.
Q's version would be remarkably similar to parts of Matthew and Luke, seeing how the only parts of Q we can reconstruct are the sayings we have in Matthew and Luke.
@avclub-3deae7321deafd837cee7c55bc02b58d:disqus If you accept the premise that Jesus was the son of God, then it's not exactly human sacrifice, is it?
How is that movie? This miniseries is so terrible it's inspiring me to watch just about every other Biblically-based film, and I see that just came out on blu-ray… Worth a blind buy?