
Well, I don't comment that often, but I like the show. It's not great or even good yet, but it has a lot of potential (actual potential, not Two Broke Girls potential), and I like watching Billy Burke and Giancarlo Esposito every week. As long as we get swordfights and train heists, I'll be happy.

Well, I don't comment that often, but I like the show. It's not great or even good yet, but it has a lot of potential (actual potential, not Two Broke Girls potential), and I like watching Billy Burke and Giancarlo Esposito every week. As long as we get swordfights and train heists, I'll be happy.

I'm friends with Sarah Habel! (Girl in the yellow top.) I never thought that I would be friends with someone slightly famous.

I'm friends with Sarah Habel! (Girl in the yellow top.) I never thought that I would be friends with someone slightly famous.

I would love to hear Gwyneth match her mother's fine rendition of "He Plays the Violin" from 1776.

I would love to hear Gwyneth match her mother's fine rendition of "He Plays the Violin" from 1776.

I am kind of ashamed to admit that I watched this show for the first time ever because I knew Bailey Buntain, Blonde Bunhead, was guest-starring.

I am kind of ashamed to admit that I watched this show for the first time ever because I knew Bailey Buntain, Blonde Bunhead, was guest-starring.

That video cuts a number of good songs. The cast album is available on Spotify for free.

That video cuts a number of good songs. The cast album is available on Spotify for free.

No, he certainly wasn't perfect. But considering all of the presidents we've had these past hundred years, and especially these past 40 years, he ends up looking a lot better than he did at the time.

No, he certainly wasn't perfect. But considering all of the presidents we've had these past hundred years, and especially these past 40 years, he ends up looking a lot better than he did at the time.

Well, I wouldn't consider someone who thought Birth of a Nation was a documentary terribly moral - by all accounts, Wilson was a strong proponent of eugenics. Not to mention his pro-fascist actions during WWI (which I would hesitate to call immoral, cause I'd rather not open that can of worms, but certainly a little

Well, I wouldn't consider someone who thought Birth of a Nation was a documentary terribly moral - by all accounts, Wilson was a strong proponent of eugenics. Not to mention his pro-fascist actions during WWI (which I would hesitate to call immoral, cause I'd rather not open that can of worms, but certainly a little

A president exploiting a war/disaster/tragedy for political purposes? Say it ain't so!

A president exploiting a war/disaster/tragedy for political purposes? Say it ain't so!

Nixon was a great president, as long as you don't care about your president being moral (probably the most moral president of the 20th century was also the worst - Jimmy Carter.)

Nixon was a great president, as long as you don't care about your president being moral (probably the most moral president of the 20th century was also the worst - Jimmy Carter.)

RIP Ass Dan.

RIP Ass Dan.