
Chicken boo was the pet name my ex-girlfriend had for me. She would always call me "boo" and I would counter with "Chicken boo", and so she just started calling me that.

To be fair, that outfit Rachel wore to the ballet almost made up for it. And might I add a homina homina homina.

To be fair, that outfit Rachel wore to the ballet almost made up for it. And might I add a homina homina homina.

When did that happen? I must've looked away for a second…

When did that happen? I must've looked away for a second…

I kind of want to watch the director's cut if there's more Gregg Henry in it!

I kind of want to watch the director's cut if there's more Gregg Henry in it!

I went to high school one town over from Brighton, so I saw a lot of movies there. Not The Gate, though, which I've never seen. I've also never been to Hell.

I went to high school one town over from Brighton, so I saw a lot of movies there. Not The Gate, though, which I've never seen. I've also never been to Hell.

I feel like he's too Lutheran to truly represent American Protestantism.

I feel like he's too Lutheran to truly represent American Protestantism.

Oh, I rage quit Heroes good and hard just about the same time you did.

I wouldn't mind being a little more distracted…

I wouldn't mind being a little more distracted…

What, are you dense? Are you retarded or something? Who the hell do you think I am?

What, are you dense? Are you retarded or something? Who the hell do you think I am?

Bryan Lewis?

Bryan Lewis?

Yes, LA Complex!! I have no feelings about Hit and Miss!!!

Yes, LA Complex!! I have no feelings about Hit and Miss!!!