
Well, I agree with you on all your points, except I still think if it had been used well, it would've been a fine plot device. If they had studied it; if we had seen Picard and Kirk actually getting their hearts' desire; if Generations had been a worthwhile film…

The problem with Generations wasn't the Nexus - let's face it, Star Trek makes up random plot devices constantly, and no one cares as long as the plot device is used well. But when that plot is an idiot plot, of course the device looks stupid.

The problem with Generations wasn't the Nexus - let's face it, Star Trek makes up random plot devices constantly, and no one cares as long as the plot device is used well. But when that plot is an idiot plot, of course the device looks stupid.

We're here! We're queer! We don't want any more bears!

We're here! We're queer! We don't want any more bears!

@avclub-ea098057cb0d1379deaf8c1cf4a1fe3b:disqus We've known each other for over ten years, so yeah, we've slept together a few times. Not in the past few years though, since we moved in together.

@avclub-ea098057cb0d1379deaf8c1cf4a1fe3b:disqus We've known each other for over ten years, so yeah, we've slept together a few times. Not in the past few years though, since we moved in together.

My roommate apparently grew huge boobs while dancing as a young teen and hated them. She still has a complicated love/hate relationship with them now.

My roommate apparently grew huge boobs while dancing as a young teen and hated them. She still has a complicated love/hate relationship with them now.

This was a little too world-building-y for me too. I would give it a solid B, but this is the kind of episode that makes me wish I had the whole first season on DVD so I could watch another one right after this one.

This was a little too world-building-y for me too. I would give it a solid B, but this is the kind of episode that makes me wish I had the whole first season on DVD so I could watch another one right after this one.

Yes, the American Airlines theatre is actually pretty intimate.

Yes, the American Airlines theatre is actually pretty intimate.

She just is so nice on Twitter - always responds to everyone, uses lots of exclamation marks.

She just is so nice on Twitter - always responds to everyone, uses lots of exclamation marks.

Yeah, there were a bunch of very obvious location shots in this episode (getting off the E train, getting coffee at that hot dog stand on the south side of Central Park). But last season, any outdoor scenes were very "Vancouver-for-NY", and I was just wondering if they moved production down to NY altogether.

Yeah, there were a bunch of very obvious location shots in this episode (getting off the E train, getting coffee at that hot dog stand on the south side of Central Park). But last season, any outdoor scenes were very "Vancouver-for-NY", and I was just wondering if they moved production down to NY altogether.

My favorite YA book is probably A Swiftly Tilting Planet.

My favorite YA book is probably A Swiftly Tilting Planet.

So, is this show filmed in NYC now? There was more actual location shooting in this episode than there was in all of the first season.