
So, is this show filmed in NYC now? There was more actual location shooting in this episode than there was in all of the first season.

Man, Donna did look amazing in this episode.

Man, Donna did look amazing in this episode.

Kind of surprised no one's mentioned Elrod of Melvinbone, Dave Sim's parody of Elric, from Cerebus. The idea of Elric talking like Foghorn Leghorn cracks me up.

Kind of surprised no one's mentioned Elrod of Melvinbone, Dave Sim's parody of Elric, from Cerebus. The idea of Elric talking like Foghorn Leghorn cracks me up.

I think Radcliffe is a good actor, but he should probably stick to roles where he doesn't have to sing.

I think Radcliffe is a good actor, but he should probably stick to roles where he doesn't have to sing.

I saw him from the fifth row, and he was working very hard, I'll give him that. He landed most of it, and clearly he practiced his dancing. His voice was, as you said, fine for the role, but he's clearly not going to go into a musical like Les Miz anytime soon.

I saw him from the fifth row, and he was working very hard, I'll give him that. He landed most of it, and clearly he practiced his dancing. His voice was, as you said, fine for the role, but he's clearly not going to go into a musical like Les Miz anytime soon.

It that alt-text a How To Succeed Without Really Trying joke? Well done.

It that alt-text a How To Succeed Without Really Trying joke? Well done.

I can't decide whether or not I would have an easier time believing it was actually NYC if they set it in Queens.

I can't decide whether or not I would have an easier time believing it was actually NYC if they set it in Queens.

I feel like you're the third person in the comments who expressed this sentiment. Well, I was excited just seeing a Bored to Death notification. I really miss this show.

I feel like you're the third person in the comments who expressed this sentiment. Well, I was excited just seeing a Bored to Death notification. I really miss this show.

I would prefer another season, but I'll take a movie.

I would prefer another season, but I'll take a movie.

I really enjoyed it too. Honestly, by the third season, it was pretty much appointment TV for me.

I really enjoyed it too. Honestly, by the third season, it was pretty much appointment TV for me.

Ok, I just went back and read all the comments from that Girls episode, and then these, and my head hurts. I have no idea what to say because I feel like any position I possibly could take might be sexist because of my patriarchal upbringing or, I don't know, something else.