
Probably not Katherine McPhee, but Megan Hilty for sure. Whom I'd rather see naked, actually.

Also, isn't the actual Bachman kind of in the bag for Romney? I don't really know, but I thought that's what I heard. I mean, even Ann Coulter is praising him now.

I have to say, as one who has a pretty close finger on the pulse of New York theatre, I wouldn't necessarily describe Rebeck's success as being immense. I mean, obviously she is getting produced on Broadway, which is a huge deal, but critical love for her work has been relatively lacking. I mean, she was one of the

Agreed. Don't know if Rebeck is burnt out by all the press she's doing, but this was not a good interview.

I don't really get this.

Speaking of Scotty, I would argue that his finest moment comes in a Peter David-written DC Comics annual called Retrospect. Does anyone remember this story? It was inspired by Harold Pinter's Betrayal; specifically, David's story uses the same structure, where we start at the end, and each successive "scene" in the

I don't think ZMF has a concept of the political left or right.

I was just thinking this while watching last night's episode. Maybe her stylist just had a bad week?

I like Kai's character, but it's incredibly obvious that the woman who plays her is not an actress.

@avclub-19db33a7920e55ba3a32ab69d87f65b8:disqus I hope Radcliffe is a grower, because he's certainly not a shower.

Yeah, but if I recall correctly, that doesn't change the actual ending. (After you revive her, she kills herself. But the aliens still ressurect her at the end, along with the other guy.)

He wrote the actual dialogue in the game. Alan Dean Foster wrote the novelization.

IIRC, The Dig had a ton of advance publicity, and everyone thought it was going to be one of the best games ever, and then…it wasn't. The character development was not great, the plot wasn't very involving, and it was too difficult for LucasArts' core fan base. I played it again a few years ago, and I still don't

Fate of Atlantis is still one of my favorite games of all time. I might call it my favorite LucasArts adventure game.

13 reunion! The Broadway musical 13, that is - both Evan and Chloe played leads in it. In fact, Graham Phillip's character was named Evan in that too.

I could never get excited enough about this show to see it on Broadway, even after it won Best Musical at the Tonys. Having seen it on Netflix Streaming, I have to say I'm still not excited about it. Lackluster score, weird acting by Kimball - is he playing the character Autistic? I really wasn't sure for the first

I was one of those people who loved Passing Strange and ran out and bought all of Stew's old albums. On the whole, they are a mixed bag, but the great definitely outweighs the mediocre overall. I particularly love Joys and Concerns and The Naked Dutch Painter.

I wouldn't call THX 1138 a great movie, but otherwise agree.