
Smash is coming, at least. As I said on some other message board, with all of its problems, at least it looks like it will be more tonally consistent than Glee.

Those are two very different Lucases. I prefer the latter, myself - the former is all theory and technique, no heart.

Paint Your Wagon (the film version) is shit.

Oh, I think she's more loyal to Will than to Cary. Didn't Will hire her when no one else would? At some point, I think we found out that their relationship is a lot stronger and deeper than it seems.

I'm betting she'll have juicier scenes by the end of the season.

This implies that Jacobs is not sexy as hell, which, if fed into one of those evil computers on Star Trek, would probably create an illogic loop that would make their hard drives explode.

This show lost me when they didn't use "The Seeker" by The Who as their theme music.

Well, vacationing near an island, he gets caught up in a mysterious and possibly mystical game that is brought to his attention by seductive strangers, and he soon becomes obsessed with it…you can see where I'm coming from.

Does this make anyone else think of the William Sleator YA book Interstellar Pig?

I need to pick these up. I've owned Love Finds Andy Hardy since it was first released on DVD, probably about 10 years ago, and I found it truly charming and delightful.

Yeah, this really is a terrific Random Roles. I saw him play the Captain in the musical version of O'Casey's Juno and the Paycock (which is just called Juno), and he was phenomenal. I saw that production three times, and he really was just perfect in that part.



More like "fecal point," amirite??

Not only have I watched it, but I've also seen the original and the made-for-tv 90s remake.

The people who made the Lohan/Jamie Lee Curtis remake.

@avclub-b312a491b1d6b93b96f06a15fd830918:disqus You were ok with When In Rome and You Again, but you drew the line at Burlesque?? FWIW, I found Burlesque stupid but entertaining. I only found When In Rome one of those qualities. At least, the forty minutes I sat through. I couldn't even bring myself to try You Again

I agree. Quite honestly, I don't even think the Breaking Bad pilot needed it.

It's a good thing you wrote this comment under a review for a show no one will watch, since saying you don't find Parks and Rec remotely funny is practically crossing the Rubicon on AVC.

Please, CBS, give us many more years of episodes of The Good Wife as good as this one!