
Good point. You'd think something like that wouldn't slip by the Kings.

Seconded on the Mamie Gummer!

Oh, the plain and simple facts is/I love to raise your taxes/And make your children gay!

Disagree in general, but Madison did have one of my favorite lines: "I don't want gas-station pizza!"

Satan calls in support for Santorum.


@Scrawler2:disqus Oh good. Glad we're on the same page. :)

I don't know if I've ever told you this, but every time I see your avatar, I think "What production of Gypsy is that poster from?" Seriously, it looks like a 80's-era poster from a production of Gypsy starring, I don't know, Diahann Carroll or Lena Horne (well, that would have to be 70's-era, probably.)

@Scrawler2:disqus  - I don't necessarily think there's anything wrong with that. Yearning for the "sophistication of adulthood" and being "eager for intellectual challenge" aren't bad things, certainly, even if it does lead to being a pretentious teen.

I like that Todd loves Faith Prince so much. She should get back on Broadway.

I thought it was a clever mocking of the idea that those two characters might end up together in a traditional rom-com. But who knows? It was funny.

I was going to say that.

*sniff* Bored to Death…

I thought I grew up in suburbia (Levittown, PA), but when I go back there now, it seems really dirty and kind of poor. Funny how different things look as adults.

Well, there is that famous telephone scene, often cited as the first example of one scene winning an actress an Oscar. (Luise Rainer, Best Actress winner for this film, although I'd be surprised if she's even in half of it.)

I've loved him for years now in NYC, and I'm glad he's getting a wider audience, although apparently in a not-very-good vehicle. That's a shame.

@avclub-8774d51fe428013c79e910e3c6277ef0:disqus There's coffee in that nebula!

I would be happy to read reviews of Voyager. Enterprise, though…not much to say about most of those episodes, is there?

Speed Racer showed that they have a talent for alienating mainstream audiences, right?

Mine is tonight too. And I live in Washington Heights, which means I hate going to Brooklyn.