
Kind of the perfect ending, right?

I always think of the waffles, myself. They looked so delicious!

I liked this, but Cupid was on the air for 14 episodes.

@avclub-5ae13f60a71f38e4a5115853908263a1:disqus , touche.

Why do you and @avclub-1f839c76142344f2374d54936b5c23fb:disqus love Nasim so much? I thought (and still think) Jenny Slate is much hotter.

The rape charge would've been dropped, had Polanski appeared in court. Since he didn't, whatever the plea agreement was or is doesn't really matter - he's still wanted for all five of the crimes he was arrested for.

If I wanted smoke blown up my ass, I'd be at home with a pack of cigarettes and a short length of rubber hose!

Can't answer that.

As far as I'm aware, he will still be arrested immediately if he sets foot on US soil, at least until he can be sentenced according to the plea bargain he agreed to.

Telling of what? That he can't come back into the US or he'll be imprisoned? Yes, it's obvious that everyone who is commenting on this page knows that.

I can't imagine this film as a straight up drama. The trailers certainly don't give that impression.

"Unforgivably lightweight"? When you go to the theatre, it's Long Day's Journey Into Night or nothing, eh? I thought the play was enjoyable, funny, and a good showcase for some great actors. It's not The Iceman Cometh, but I hardly think every play needs to be.

Love her so much. One time we had a Twitter conversation, and it pretty much made my week.

Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.

I like FLCL, but I disagree with this assessment. A lot of what I love about Neon Genesis is the long scenes of drawn-out angst. I think a better encapsulation would be the themes of Neon Genesis with the form and attitude of Gurren Lagan, except even more manic.

That has to have been done several times, although the only one I can think of is Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas, which is of course an adaptation of a children's book made for TV rather than a TV series.

The wrong son died!

I like Holiday Inn, but White Christmas has an effortless charm and an easy chemistry among the leads. In Holiday Inn, Crosby and Astaire really seem to hate each other - obviously, this is in part dictated by the plot, of course, but it seems very real. And that girl they're fighting over is nothing special, IMO.

I would enjoy seeing pictures of Megan Fox getting out of Lake Bell topless.

That episode will probably always be the high-water mark of Simpsons Christmas episodes to me. Although most of them are pretty good. (I think that one four years ago was bad, if it's the one I'm thinking of.)