
Well, after all, you get what you pay for.

My dad listens to Rush Limbaugh, and I find this type of satire even more hilarious since I am familiar with the real thing.


So much.

She really did look hotter in that scene than I've seen her be in a long time.

If you had told me seven years ago that I would be a fan of the actress who played the titular character in The Girl Next Door, I would've called you a liar.

@avclub-19db33a7920e55ba3a32ab69d87f65b8:disqus , yes, they took back the money, gave her $200, and at least one ticket. I thought when Brad said that, he just meant they could get tickets again next year.

I kind of loved Alex Drake, but apart from the first season, Ashes was more interesting, rather than emotionally compelling (like Sam's journey was.)

I feel dirty for liking this.

Ok, this makes me want to watch the end, at least.

Is it? I really can't bring myself to care. Who cares? It's really completely meaningless at this point. It's not like Lisa can use this victory to just become a famous supermodel. Angelea couldn't have done that either.

I forgot this was on last night. I was so bored reading what happened that I don't know if I can force myself to watch this. Talk about going out with a whimper.

You bring up an interesting point. But IMO, the idea is that the episodes are graded against each other and also against being good TV (in each reviewer's subjective opinion, of course.)

Ah, as I alluded to above. I would like to see a really good-looking copy though. I can't imagine that when the film was first shown at festivals, it looked this bad.

I'm not quite as big a fan as you are, but I agree that the first time I saw it, I found it surprisingly emotional.

It's not stupid. I don't know if it's 100% successful, but it's not stupid. The whole thing used to be available on Google Video - it's worth spending 40 minutes watching.

I would love to meet girls at the opera. But for some reason, pick up lines seem inappropriate at the Met.

Well, if the Broadway version is as popular as the off-B'way version was, it will probably run for a few years. And there's always bootlegs!

I only watch CBS for How I Met Your Mother, so I never see promos for this show, and it worked like gangbusters for me.

False. There's a theatre adaptation that bowed off-Broadway last year, and will probably open on Broadway this spring. It was very well-reviewed, and played to sold-out houses.