
If he were an AV Club commenter, Berke Breathed would ask you not to.

Blah blah blah Laura didn't deserve to go home blah blah Angelea's boring blah blah Lisa's old blah blah Allison is an amazing model.

I was wondering if Angelea was quoting Jesus there…

Risky? Or sexy?

If Angelea wins, I will…be very bored. But possibly still watch next cycle, depending on promos.

I believe that Tyra stole that line from a Berkeley Breathed Outland comic.

I can think of a couple pairings that I would read about…

I remember trying to get into Farscape; I watched six episodes or so and didn't get it. I could always try again, I guess.

I might prefer the writing in Pennies From Heaven, but I always prefer watching The Singing Detective. That weird film-to-videotape switch after every exterior scene is just so jarring.

Oh, I have. That's where the great exchange comes from, where Sondheim says he originally imagined Georges as a baritone and Dot as a soprano, and he says instead he got a tenor as Georges, and Bernadette interrupts to say, "And a bass as Dot!"

I voted for Daria, but I would be happy with Extras, Middleman, Life on Mars, Slings and Arrows… So many good choices. I'd even probably be happy with Rome or Carnivale, cause it would force me to watch them.

Agreed re: Chuck, but again, I knew about the product placement before it happened. I do watch Eureka though, and I can't recall any product placement. I feel so ashamed of myself.

Zack! Great review. Now that complaining guy who wrote a blog post about how mean the AV Club writers are will have nothing to complain about.

Is it bad that I remember him the most from one episode of Perfect Couples?

There must be something wrong with me. I can never identify product placement as such when it occurs, only when it's pointed out to me after the fact. I vividly remember the scene you allude to, but the product placement angle went right over my head. I'm the perfect consumer!

I guess I'm the only one who thought that the incest angle was handled just fine - with a wink and a nod, very lightly, as all things on this show should be. And come on, Isla Fisher is like the hottest girl Jonathan has ever been with, so I can understand him wanting to stay with her.

I like Into the Woods a lot, but I prefer Sunday in the Park with George as Lapine/Sondheim musicals go. It's not as funny, but I find the ending of the second act transcendent.

I can't imagine he wants to be considered in the lead category. He's not stupid, he must know Saul is not the male lead of this show. Also, he's third-billed, after Claire Danes and Daiman Lewis.

I think the fact that this episode gets a B- is actually a pretty big compliment towards the show. We've all grown so used to each episode being reliably hilarious.

Thieves aren't breathing down your neck.