
@avclub-1621e591147a686a1c882c2180d04144:disqus - the short answer is, he didn't. He co-wrote it, along with Gloria Katz, Williard Huyck, and also Francis Ford Coppola, and all of his friends who gave him copious notes on each of his drafts.

This is explained in The Secret History of Star Wars (google it) - originally, Lucas's conception was that there were many Sith, just in hiding, prior to A New Hope. By the time of A New Hope, the Jedi had all died, but they had taken most of the Sith with them.

Meeting with racist stereotypes in a 1950's-style diner, etc.

I am not quite on the level of your brother, so my reaction to Lucas's terrible decisions isn't as drastic. But it's really true; the prequels have forever stained the originals. The originals can only be watched unsullied through the veil of my childhood memories. When I have kids, I am definitely not letting them

Well, except those aren't contradictory verses at all. Isaiah very clearly says that war won't happen after God has judged the nations and settled disputes.

So…you really enjoy using the word "limpid", don't you?

Sifl and Olly were kind of DIY….

They certainly are aging in interesting ways. But really, I think Ethan Hawke looks about the same as he did in the last one, and Julie Delpy's the one who looks older and more mature. Still gorgeous, of course, but more like a woman now and less like a girl.

They aren't nearly as frightening.

This wasn't an A+ episode. I think the B grade is good - it's a slightly above average episode of this show. They have done much better in the past. Give it another two episodes. I mean, you won't miss 44 minutes of your life when all is said and done.

And the thing is, clearly the use of Mysterion shows that a certain kind of continuity exists in South Park. Kenny can't die - that was established in that Coon three-parter. It's just that Matt Stone and Trey Parker don't feel the need to slavishly adhere to the soap opera format of every episode following the

Oh, she did. My bad, for some reason I heard Lloyd saying it in my head.

I don't think most Christians believe that people who disagree with them deserve an eternity of torture.

I'm going to go home and sleep with my wife!

Honestly, that's one of my least favorite lines in the movie. Lloyd's delivery is great, but it just sounds so written. Like, there should be a rim-shot following it.

Don't forget Lesley Ann Warren! Giving what might be her best performance on film. Well, maybe she's better in Victor/Victoria, but she is excellent here. And Colleen Camp, who I don't really know at all, is also very funny (and very sexy, although that goes without saying.)

To make a long story short…

@avclub-70f6dcc28ef8fc282b0c969e75d9bdfc:disqus I agree with you completely. My point was that he certainly wasn't a Marxist.

I certainly am not aware of the minutia of the law in these areas, but I did have friends who were born in Canada and moved to the USA at a very young age (1 or 2) and kept their dual citizenship.

Jesus also said that God takes care of flowers, so he'll definitely take care of you because he loves you way more than flowers. He wasn't exactly espousing redistribution of wealth.