
Is Maya Angelou a doctor?

But Stan said he didn't know anyone with dual citizenship, period. I think. Anyway, it struck me as odd too.

There's no way that Allison not having a "hook" will work against her. First of all, I definitely think she does have a hook - her weirdness is specific enough. Second of all, she takes consistently good photos week to week, and I can't imagine they can just brush that under the table. Who is her competition here?

Exactly what I said when they played that clip.

Well, to be fair, it kind of seemed as though she didn't really try to get into modelling after her cycle. Wasn't she working more on the photography/design end?

I agree, re: Laura and Shannon, but then you get a closer look at their faces, and Shannon just looks SO OLD. I'm kind of surprised they never call her out on it - I'm 27, all my friends are 27, none of them have the wrinkles that Shannon does. It looks like her skin is puckering around all of her features.

Well, Lisa no longer drunkenly moans to a houseplant how he's her only friend…

What about Sam Secondenberg or Sam Thirdenberg?

I'm tired.

Yeah, I'm with you almost 100%. I do think that Conner's mindwipe is dealt with in an intelligent and natural way, but other than that I agree with you completely.

I remember when S5 was airing, it seemed like a lot of fans were expressing displeasure with it. But maybe that's cause I was reading a lot of Television Without Pity at the time.

I'm not sure why everyone in this thread basically agrees with you. Am I the only one who thinks that S5 is weaker, on the whole, than S4? Certain parts of 5 are great, true, but other parts feel very rushed and half-baked. Not to mention that the whole first half of the season they recap the premise of the show for

I just have one thing to say - necrotempered windows.

Have you met @avclub-7445cdf838e562501729c6e31b06aa7b:disqus ? You two would get along well - you have similar reading comprehension skills.

Erik, to answer your question about magic sparkle transitions - no. They started doing it a few years ago (I can't remember how many, because it's impossible to keep track how many years one has been watching this show.)

And Emily's boobs were deceptively large before the pregnancy as well.

Since he imagines that the office won't exist the next day, so he practically doesn't have a job.

I bet P. Craig Russell does hate being handed copies of Blankets to sign, though. I think you're right about that.

I'm a practicing Christian, and I loved Blankets.

Do you believe that Muhammad received the Quran in revelations spanning 23 years? That's always seemed to me kind of like Christians (or Jews) saying that Moses himself wrote the Torah. Admittedly, I haven't done a ton of research into it, but from the small amount I have done, it seems like the Quran was compiled