
This comment made me giggle manically.

Yeah, that movie would've been a lot better if he had been crazier.

Is that a real movie? I honestly don't think I've ever heard of it. And I was going to the movies regularly in 2001 - I'm pretty sure I saw The Others in theatres.

The fact that it's slightly classier than Hardcore Pawn?

It's not anti-semetic. Gibson is, but that movie clearly isn't. If you want to check it out, we had a LONG discussion about this in the comments for the MYOF entry for The Beaver.

As were the Romans. (Personally, I thought the Romans were much more caricature-ish than the Jews.)

Well, I only ever watched the mirror episodes of Enterprise's last season, along with the series finale, and I loved the mirror episodes (probably better than any single episode of Voyager, although there were some surprisingly good episodes), I thought the finale was terrible and it made me happy I didn't spend time

I literally can't remember a thing about that episode except the hilarious dance scene. Which, to me, makes it one of the best episodes of S1 Angel.  You should try only remembering that scene too.

As in, not in the realm of comedy. I think that's what she meant.

I also loved that episode when I was a child. Admittedly, I haven't seen it within the past 15 years probably, but I remember really enjoying it. In fact, it was one of the first Twilight Zone eps I ever saw, and was partly responsible for making me fall in love with the show.

Wow. Different strokes, I guess. I find "The Invaders" to be very effective, even with terrible special effects, precisely because Agnes Moorehouse's performance is terrific. And I've seen it in syndication a number of times.

Completely agree with both of you. I thought it was funny that Will Harris said "Even as late as season six…" - is he implying that the show got better as it went along? I would think most Buffy fans, if graphing out the greatness of the show, would see the series as a mountain, with S2/3/4 being a peak, and the rest

Completely agree, about VOY and ENT. I didn't watch Enterprise while it was on, and when Sci-Fi started re-running the show from the beginning, I was like, "I should really try to watch this." I lasted six episodes. Talk about boring. Everyone who thinks Voyager is boring (and it could be, certainly) should watch

Turnabout Intruder is great, if you like Shat-acting (Shacting?), and if you don't, I would imagine you don't care for much of TOS.

I don't disagree with you that your first paragraph is true. But I do think that, looking at the overall Gospel story, the interpretation I mentioned is also true. There's a lot of stuff like that in the Bible. A lot of the prophecy books in the Old Testament were slanted based on current events at the time those

Well, that's why I put plan in quotation marks. The plan was never for Adam and Eve to sin in the first place. But if there was no choice, then human beings would just be little robots or pets for God. He wanted to create creatures who would have the ability to choose to follow the ten commandments (or not follow

As far as Christianity goes, a martyr wasn't necessary. The "plan" had to happen the way it did because only a perfect sacrifice would be able to atone for the sin of all humanity. Jesus becoming a martyr wasn't even an afterthought - it just seems that way in hindsight.

This is to wolfmans, but for some reason I can't reply to him…

I just saw this movie last week, and I was actually very impressed by Gibson's performance. If you can separate the man from his work (and many people seem able to do that with Roman Polanski), his acting in this movie is superb. Too bad it really isn't very good.

That makes sense, right? It's cause Christians in the middle ages (and to a much lesser extent, today) were stupid and racist. Some "theologians" constructed elaborate proofs to show that Jesus wasn't actually Jewish.