Aha! But tell me this, once the turtles eat them and poop them out, where does their poop go?
Aha! But tell me this, once the turtles eat them and poop them out, where does their poop go?
I mean, fine, it was nice to see these folks getting along. But I couldn't help but note that the ad gave equal weight to both people's points of view in each pair as if they were equally reasonable opinions. And I guess that's fine in the context of this video which is about finding common ground. But let's face…
I'll profess my ignorance of electronic music here. I watched an NPR Music video of these two performing, and even though I like some of their stuff, I couldn't get past being annoyed by the guy wearing a dumb Clippers jersey and spazzing out over a macbook and some sort of small control panel. At the risk of…
I live by a code. And that code involves telling my bosses off at any available opportunity.
If I had an employer who wanted me to call him/her anything other than just their name, and I wasn't in the military or worked for an actual medical doctor, I'd tell them to go fuck themselves. It's not a sign of respect to call him "Chef," it's a sign that he wants you to know that you're subservient to him that he…
I got an AV Club notification for this?!
I totally get why people get outraged at the Oscars and Grammies for being hopelessly out of touch. But I think it's long since past time to acknowledge that they were never in touch to begin with, and it gives them too much credit to suggest that their awards even have any legitimacy beyond marketing and general…
Maybe they could just go back to calling them "race records."
I think they're still trapped in space.
Do yourself a favor and listen to "All the Way from Memphis," which I'd put up as one of the greatest straight-ahead rock and roll songs of the 70s.
Yeah, he's much more interested in rape and blowing up public housing.
I like how the book takes the trope of the unappreciated genius so far that there end up being only three or four people in the world who truly appreciate how great of an architect Roark is.
Yeah, as I recall the gist of that part of the book is that it doesn't count as rape if you're so good at sex that the woman ends up liking it (and come on, she obviously wanted it anyway, amirite?).
If you've got that obsession, you should read Thomas Piketty's Capital in the 21st Century. Yes, it's a doorstop of an economics book, but one of the things that he keeps coming back to are pre-20th century European novels, many of which are very specific about incomes the characters receive (think Pride and…
I think it would depend on the film (and I haven't seen this and probably won't). But the same could have been (and was) said about 9/11, and I thought United 93 was an incredibly respectful and powerful movie (though painful to watch). I'm not saying the same is true for this movie, but it's certainly possible to…
Just re-watched Frosty last night for the first time in years so my daughter could see it. I never realized how terrible it was. The stop-motion Rankin and Bass specials have a lot of charm and intentional weirdness. But the (traditional) animation in Frosty is cheap garbage. And the story's just dumb and…
It took having a kid and revisiting a lot of the books to realize how many assholes are in Dr. Seuss books in general.
Well at least there will finally be fans on Broadway more insufferable than the cult of Hamilton. That's right folks! I agree with Donald Trump: Hamilton is overrated!!
All you need are eggwhites, some ice and a cocktail shaker. Then you got yourself some protein AND some delightful foam in your drink.
I'm getting a real Elliott Smith vibe from this song. Also, I like his music and wish more of it were on spotify, because I'm one of those assholes who don't buy music anymore (though I do pay for spotify premium, and would thoroughly support any efforts to increase the amount of my fee that goes to artists, even if…