Wheres my Jetpack

Pot ledom


Andy Hitchcock.

I've lost faith in Next Iron Chef ever since Alex Guarnaschelli won.  Really?  Over inventive chefs like Elizabeth Falkner and Marcel?  Alex is known for making comfort food, which is surely delicious but that's not what Iron Chef is about.  I believe she won because she's part of that inner circle of Food Network

Sorry.  There was a meeting where they decided to portray women that way in all media in perpetuity.  What women really do when attacked is maintain a steely focus, poke a thumb into the corner of the attacker's eye and hook it behind the nose.  Then tear off the face.

With any new show it always takes me a few episodes to get into the rhythm of the writing.  This is especially true of comedies that introduce me to a whole new style of humor.  But there were things I liked about this show from the beginning.  Maybe it helps to be female.  Lena Dunham's relationship with her body

Could someone please tell me how to watch Inside Men online? It's being sold through iTunes & amazon, but I can't afford to buy all the great shows I want to see. I thought the Internet was going to free us from the shackles of monopoly capitalism? Of course I'm afraid when that happens I'll be too ignorant to know

Could someone please tell me how to watch Inside Men online? It's being sold through iTunes & amazon, but I can't afford to buy all the great shows I want to see. I thought the Internet was going to free us from the shackles of monopoly capitalism? Of course I'm afraid when that happens I'll be too ignorant to know

Thanks for your reviews.  And thanks for reminding me that I totally won't give a shit about this show 5 minutes after it's over.

Do any of these coaches actually stay in touch with their "team members?"  I mean, during eliminations they always declare their undying love, which is supposed to make up for dashing a young artist's dreams in front of a live audience and millions of tv viewers.  Does that love translate into behavior?  I mean, is

Full disclosure: I'm a novelty whore.  And slightly tone deaf.  So while I can't always judge the nuances of their voices I can happily concentrate on the quirk factor.  I like me some Charlotte Sometimes and Lindsay Pavao.  (Should I apologize?)  But here's what.  I don't get why they choose these oddballs then give

And don't say gesundheit.