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    His Name Is Alive.  Never a band with broad-based appeal but they could have benefited more from the "alternafication" of the radio in the 90s.  Musically diverse enough that everyone I know likes at least one of their albums (and probably hates at least one other one).  I love them all.

    UGH: Kenley
    How to express my disdain for this whiny, entitled, stubborn victim of the self-esteem movement? I have watched all seasons of this show and never before have I pressed my hands together and squeezed my eyes tightly shut and wished like i was saving Tinkerbell's life that a contestant would be eliminated.

    I think it's also a sign of being mid-90s that Dave's "get laid" line got dubbed to "get some." I don't think today's network censors would bat an eye at the original line.