Congrats @avclub-e8579cb1f6e92f980e7161c98ccf165b:disqus that's awesome!
Congrats @avclub-e8579cb1f6e92f980e7161c98ccf165b:disqus that's awesome!
Is Katie Holmes going to be in this one?
Is Katie Holmes going to be in this one?
This is my fourth year of NaNoWriMo. Lost the first two years, won last year and am currently behind this year. I haven't looked at my "winning" novel since I finished it, but that isn't the point, at least for me. There's a difference between saying "I'd like to write a book" and actually writing one. A huge…
This is my fourth year of NaNoWriMo. Lost the first two years, won last year and am currently behind this year. I haven't looked at my "winning" novel since I finished it, but that isn't the point, at least for me. There's a difference between saying "I'd like to write a book" and actually writing one. A huge…
One of the best things about Election Day every four years is the American public gets a respite from all of the talking heads about potential candidates for the next 12-18 months. While a few friends on FB couldn't stop talking about how awesome, etc. the show was I have a very difficult time believing that even…
One of the best things about Election Day every four years is the American public gets a respite from all of the talking heads about potential candidates for the next 12-18 months. While a few friends on FB couldn't stop talking about how awesome, etc. the show was I have a very difficult time believing that even…
Here's an analogy for you, @avclub-85d8ce590ad8981ca2c8286f79f59954:disqus . e-books are to writers what garage band is to musicians. I've mentioned before that I am currently working on what I hope will be the final draft of my first book. HOWEVER, if I wanted to right now I could send an earlier draft (or in tribute…
Here's an analogy for you, @avclub-85d8ce590ad8981ca2c8286f79f59954:disqus . e-books are to writers what garage band is to musicians. I've mentioned before that I am currently working on what I hope will be the final draft of my first book. HOWEVER, if I wanted to right now I could send an earlier draft (or in tribute…
Something tells me that this is one of those very very rare cases where throwing a bunch of money at something (or someone) will NOT in fact make it better. Money-grab or not, I don't think Clash will ever be with Sesame Street again.
Something tells me that this is one of those very very rare cases where throwing a bunch of money at something (or someone) will NOT in fact make it better. Money-grab or not, I don't think Clash will ever be with Sesame Street again.
This mash-up isn't even YouTube worthy. Fuck you, VonLichten.
This mash-up isn't even YouTube worthy. Fuck you, VonLichten.
I would like to make a suggestion. If you are reading this and you are currently living a life that may potentially be biopic-worthy someday after you are dead and that idea bothers you, please insert "AND NO FUCKING BIOPICS. EVER" into your will. Thank you.
I would like to make a suggestion. If you are reading this and you are currently living a life that may potentially be biopic-worthy someday after you are dead and that idea bothers you, please insert "AND NO FUCKING BIOPICS. EVER" into your will. Thank you.
Just clicked through the link to see if I could purchase this (I can't) and got a look at the full cover. I love Cobain and his music, but that photo is just a bit much.
Just clicked through the link to see if I could purchase this (I can't) and got a look at the full cover. I love Cobain and his music, but that photo is just a bit much.
This news gives me dead wood.
This news gives me dead wood.
And the winner of the 2012 Photobomb of the Year goes to…