And the winner of the 2012 Photobomb of the Year goes to…
And the winner of the 2012 Photobomb of the Year goes to…
I'm Ron Burgundy?
I'm Ron Burgundy?
I love how cute it is that they think "From Stephenie Meyer" is in any way a good thing.
I love how cute it is that they think "From Stephenie Meyer" is in any way a good thing.
The "mystery track" on this album is a minute of Billie Joe snorting cocaine and 23 minutes of him explaining to himself why making a trilogy of albums is such a great idea. Listen for it!
The "mystery track" on this album is a minute of Billie Joe snorting cocaine and 23 minutes of him explaining to himself why making a trilogy of albums is such a great idea. Listen for it!
We love you too! - Signed, the West Coast
We love you too! - Signed, the West Coast
I can only hope.
I can only hope.
So when he isn't a male model, or a cue-card writer for Handler, he studies anesthesiology (from what I know, one of the most difficult specialties in medicine) online? People actually fall for that online? Wow. Kinda tempted to set up the most unbelievable OKCupid profile possible just to see what would happen.
So when he isn't a male model, or a cue-card writer for Handler, he studies anesthesiology (from what I know, one of the most difficult specialties in medicine) online? People actually fall for that online? Wow. Kinda tempted to set up the most unbelievable OKCupid profile possible just to see what would happen.
I'm 34.
I'm 34.
A quick note to the studio, writers and executives - More than five years ago when I would find myself in a situation where I did not have the item I needed and instead improvised something on the spot and someone would throw me an odd glance, I would shrug my shoulders and say I was "Pulling a MacGyver" After having…
A quick note to the studio, writers and executives - More than five years ago when I would find myself in a situation where I did not have the item I needed and instead improvised something on the spot and someone would throw me an odd glance, I would shrug my shoulders and say I was "Pulling a MacGyver" After having…
This is great. Thank you!
This is great. Thank you!
"Tell me about the Wampa"