My Left Footnote

"If ever there was a group that could benefit from the current hologram craze…" (Yow 103). 
Valerie Raleigh Yow, Tu Pac to Six Packs: A Guide for the Humanities and Social Sciences (Walnut Creek, CA: Alta Mira Press, 2005), 102-3.

"If ever there was a group that could benefit from the current hologram craze…" (Yow 103). 
Valerie Raleigh Yow, Tu Pac to Six Packs: A Guide for the Humanities and Social Sciences (Walnut Creek, CA: Alta Mira Press, 2005), 102-3.

While I enjoy the radio hits, many of the Smashing Pumpkins' weaker songs make me "…sick to my stomach" (Yow 103).
Valerie Raleigh Yow, Not in the World I Threw Up In: A Guide for the Humanities and Social Sciences (Walnut Creek, CA: Alta Mira Press, 2005), 102-3.

While I enjoy the radio hits, many of the Smashing Pumpkins' weaker songs make me "…sick to my stomach" (Yow 103).
Valerie Raleigh Yow, Not in the World I Threw Up In: A Guide for the Humanities and Social Sciences (Walnut Creek, CA: Alta Mira Press, 2005), 102-3.

Corgan once noted, "…emptiness is loneliness and loneliness is cleanliness and cleanliness is Radiohead and Radiohead is covered in piss, just like so many other humourless groups" (Yow 103).

Corgan once noted, "…emptiness is loneliness and loneliness is cleanliness and cleanliness is Radiohead and Radiohead is covered in piss, just like so many other humourless groups" (Yow 103).

Val Kilmer's character "Iceboxman" in the Top Gun sequel, "Top Gun II - 2 Fat 2 Fly" was memorable only for the scene where he described the fitness regime which gave him "…washing machine abs" (Yow 103).

Val Kilmer's character "Iceboxman" in the Top Gun sequel, "Top Gun II - 2 Fat 2 Fly" was memorable only for the scene where he described the fitness regime which gave him "…washing machine abs" (Yow 103).

Dream Theatre can be surprisingly heavy in concert, especially when touring with "Zappa Plays Zappa".  While not everyone's "cup of tea", prog rock definitely requires top-not skill. (Yow 103).

Dream Theatre can be surprisingly heavy in concert, especially when touring with "Zappa Plays Zappa".  While not everyone's "cup of tea", prog rock definitely requires top-not skill. (Yow 103).

"You're A Lie" was indeed an odd choice for Slash's first single, as several other tracks - especially "Anastasia", "Carolina" and "No More Heros" all appear to be stronger and less "…calculated." (Yow 103).

"You're A Lie" was indeed an odd choice for Slash's first single, as several other tracks - especially "Anastasia", "Carolina" and "No More Heros" all appear to be stronger and less "…calculated." (Yow 103).

My Left Footnote was bitterly disappointed by this discussion, since (due to the article's title) he was prepared to compare and contrast the Sid Meier games "Colonization" and "Civilization". (Yow 103). 
Valerie Raleigh Yow, Sid Meier Turn-Based Games: A Guide for the Humanities and Social Sciences (Walnut Creek, CA:

My Left Footnote was bitterly disappointed by this discussion, since (due to the article's title) he was prepared to compare and contrast the Sid Meier games "Colonization" and "Civilization". (Yow 103). 
Valerie Raleigh Yow, Sid Meier Turn-Based Games: A Guide for the Humanities and Social Sciences (Walnut Creek, CA:

While watching this episode on DVD last night, My Left Footnote thought that Gene's comment on how the ice cream tasted funny was supposed to serve as an indication "…that another stroke was forthcoming." (Yow 103).
Valerie Raleigh Yow, Does Anyone Else Smell Burnt Toast: A Guide for the Humanities and Social Sciences

My Left Foot responded to this well thought-out challenge to re-watch Breaking Bad to prepare for the upcoming fifth season with an enthusiastic, "Hell ya! …Bitch!" (Yow 103).
Valerie Raleigh Yow, You Do The Meth: A Guide for the Humanities and Social Sciences (Walnut Creek, CA: Alta Mira Press, 2005), 102-3.

My Left Foot responded to this well thought-out challenge to re-watch Breaking Bad to prepare for the upcoming fifth season with an enthusiastic, "Hell ya! …Bitch!" (Yow 103).
Valerie Raleigh Yow, You Do The Meth: A Guide for the Humanities and Social Sciences (Walnut Creek, CA: Alta Mira Press, 2005), 102-3.

Executives from the hit A&E program, "Duck Dynasty" narrowly defeated the motion to include Autotune technology during the square dance contest scene in the upcoming season finale, "Duck, Duck, Goose!" (Yow 103).
Valerie Raleigh Yow, Ducked Silly: A Guide for the Humanities and Social Sciences (Walnut Creek, CA: Alta

Executives from the hit A&E program, "Duck Dynasty" narrowly defeated the motion to include Autotune technology during the square dance contest scene in the upcoming season finale, "Duck, Duck, Goose!" (Yow 103).
Valerie Raleigh Yow, Ducked Silly: A Guide for the Humanities and Social Sciences (Walnut Creek, CA: Alta

Lost's final season included many unnecessary distractions such as the "magic temple" that simply added to the list of unanswered questions within the series.  One can only hope that Fringe's writers can avoid the same pitfall and focus on characters while avoiding confusing story arcs. (Yow, 103).