
Mouth of Madness is great. I'm okay with people not getting into it, but to basically say it's dumb and "a second-rate Stephen King novel" is way off the mark. The film is much smarter than it's given credit for & it's a treat for Lovecraft fans. I love the way Sam Neill criticizes Cane's fiction the same way

I've never been a huge fan of the film, but I *love* watching it with the commentary track. I find it far funnier than the actual film. Plus there's an interesting moment where Carpenter talks about how Asian-American groups objected to the film's "portrayal of Asian-Americans".

"Gibson’s depression is existential rather than situational."
This was the problem I had with Garden State (and probably other films I'd rather not remember). Talk about wish fulfillment fantasy: how about a chronic depressive who's stopped Lithium & a fistful of other pills cold turkey, attracting a plot device

Nite owls shouldn't be asleep at midnight. They should be at the cinema watching The Room for the 100th time.

Yes, the book gave me a little empathy for Leno as well. What it also did is make me stop caring about or watching ANY of the shows. I know that's not a great endorsement for a very good & thorough book, haha, but it's as if the thoroughness of the book made me weary of the whole issue & find these debates pointless.

Must've been a great influence on Ruggero Deodato. "Chaining baby cubs is so passe, it's time to start decapitating turtles."

Would Idiocracy have been more or less funny if they'd used Walmart instead of Costco?

We might as well reduce "Walmart" to one syllable.

Agree with you on Boondock. It stains the very concept of "cult films".

Thanks for mentioning this film. Hadn't heard of it before, sounds interesting. I just checked & my local library carries it.

I use Greencine. While they do have some more obscure titles not carried by Blockbuster & Netflix, they're not *as* nichey as people seem to think. They have big movies as top renters too. Despite the single location, ultimately you get your next DVDs faster than from Blockbuster-By-Mail because Greencine's process is

Some bad movies are sublime
Some of the most joy I've received from films has been from the "bad" ones. Films that are so misconceived & bizarrely executed that I respond with more laughter & mirth than 99.9% of so-called "comedies". I love seeing majestic failures. I love the unique disorientation caused by a

Mediocre's not funny
I was hoping for a seething, bitter Transformers review. Or at least frustrated conflicted responses. AT THE VERY LEAST, a remark on the awkward titling "Dark of the Moon" and how it doesn't sound natural without "Side."

More credible than George Lucas?
For years, George Lucas has been claiming he's wanted to go back and do a "little art movie" after all this Star Wars stuff is finished. Especially if you listen to his DVD commentary for THX-1138. "I never thought of myself as a commercial filmmaker, bla bla bla…" Where's that art

In this vein, I enjoyed the short run of Jon Favreau's IFC show "Dinner For Five". I mean… where else will you see Marilyn Manson, Daryl Hannah and Andy Dick chatting together? Another great episode was Roger Corman/Bruce Campbell/Rob Zombie.

Yes, apparently Captain Hindsight also used to be a film critic.

Goin' Down (to South Park)
Anyone think this will be South Park material when they return in the fall?

They know it's "black metal"
At least this article didn't make the infuriatingly common mistake of calling it "Norwegian Death Metal".

Some books are handy if you run out of toilet paper. Once I was on the toilet in a Best Western reading a Gideon's Bible….