
Also love that Digital Love, but are we sure that's a guitar?

I forgot about Wicked Little Critta! I'm gonna go lay a patch on the tar to celebrate.

I was tell ppl it was 14 times…but i guess I shouldn't really count the last time where we decided to run screaming from the dollar theater after the scene when Gennaro gets eaten.

Zabka knows.

Holodeck 3 was the only one with a lock on the door.

Actually, I was referring to my good friend, Mr. Alright Saxman.

Alright Saxman, you know this game…

I used to work at an audio production company and we'd occasionally see bands' riders as part of the show specs. It seemed like everyone always threw in at least one bat-shit crazy request.
My personal favorite was from Yellowcard. They requested a medium-sized dog from a local no-kill shelter who had a good

Nothing says "I'm sorry" like having your loved one rub their bare netherparts all over a filthy movie theater cushion.

If you knew that for some portion of your normal workday you were going to have to take a pay cut, wouldn't you rather take it easy during that time rather than busting your ass? Hey, me too!

Some countries require military service of their citizens, but I think we'd all get along much better if everyone had to spend a year as a waiter.

The pie's your heart.

Just to be clear, here…we're not talking about the Voodoo Lady from Monkey Island, right? I will not tolerate any besmirching of her good name.

Are you trying to say that I wasn't King Shit of Fuck Mountain?

Did anyone else notice that Mr. Oswalt refers to one of his own characters as "chubby" and then, in the same paragraph, goes on to describe one of John Candy's as "fat"? The gloves are off.

Gibson martinis (the exact opposite of beer)
Not sure why, but this made me L my A right O.

Was it Colorado, Chartex? I thought it was later…like IN/MI. You're the one who drank it, though, so you should know.

One time I went dressed as Darkman to a church Halloween party for some reason. There's a photo and everything.

With the exception of I'm the Man Who Loves You, I find Wilco to be pretty boring. I'm in the same basic boat as you. I have a lot of friends whose opinions I fully respect in every way that LOVE Wilco. I don't even have the sticking point of Tweedy's voice, really. And I generally LIKE the guitar solos.

Do they still have strip club barkers? That seems like good, honest work.