alex t

when we saw the one thing vomiting out Bob, there were also a bunch of those eggs like the one that hatched the bug. I'm not so sure that the bug is Bob.

oh also Palm are the best rock band around right now and they have an EP called Shadow Expert coming out on June 16th and that should be very good https://www.youtube.com/wat…

that Jefre Cantu-Ledesma seems like it's going to be really special, excited for that. and I think that Guerilla Toss album would be a big hit with a lot of folks, it's got B-52s vibes and a spastic energy and is worth your time. it's actually on sale physically already (and on bleep.com digitally because they

if you want to get real wild with Xenakis living up to that description, there was a reissue recently of his best electronic work, La Légende d'Eer https://karlrecords.bandcam…

did you hear the Dan'l Boone album from 2014? That kind of makes this new one more of a low stakes thing for me, because DB delivered everything I could've wanted from a Royal Trux album in this decade.

That other guy she accused (who the bandmates defended) has quite a few other allegations against him

Ohhhh that dude is from Violetshaped, that makes sense. Re: finding things, with Joshua Abrams, I was showing someone this Ben Vida album Bird Show Band, and they were like "oh Josh Abrams is on this, he's really good" and so I started looking for more and got hooked. And then with Metasplice, I saw Bee Mask

here's how my top 10 looks, tho the years not over yet and still things are coming out (my number 9 just came out last Friday so maybe I'll change my mind on it by the end of the year). I added some preview links but make sure you right click em and open in new tab.

Deviate From Balance was really stellar. I love the way it starts out kinda peaceful but then works its way into the more abrasive stuff.

"Of all the obvious gags from all of Black’s movie, a dick joke feels particularly flaccid."

Oh rad, didn't know Pinkcourtesyphone had a new one! All you guys who like the weirder stuff should check the stuff out, it's really good.

What about Little Murders?

This is only the beginning of the rage machine. Imagine how it'll look when good wife beats mad men and breaking bad.

I mean, the show already plays in the unrealism of Criminal Minds level quantity of serial killers in the world, I'm ok with them playing with a dead old man having this much power over how his estate is run regardless of how it lines up with reality. Especially because I think it makes more sense of the problematic

The Tanooki Suit was just the leaf but you could turn into stone. The cat suit allows you to climb up walls and open up different ways of playing levels. Your case seems a bit flimsy to me and powered more by nostalgia than anything Nintendo has done.

Damn I was *just* posting about this. You can tell because Jake has the swirly lipstick business going on, and Finn is missing his sock. So yeah, an episode outside of the chronology isn't unheard of.

I was actually really hoping to see that one.

Kind of a bummer that this is getting a lot more attention than the Oneohtrix Point Never - Boring Angel video that this rips off completely.

Hell yes Ultramarin. If Tim Hecker decided to go back and do another Jetone album using all of his new skills but with beats and stuff, that would be pretty damn great.