
God's Not Dead 2: Electric Boogaloo

How did they miss
The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human. all it is about sex. An anthropologist from an alien planet provides voice-over commentary for a documentary look at human courtship, mating, and reproduction: "complex, perverse, tragically beautiful: the earthbound human."

I haven't watched Daredevil yet and was on the fence. I think I probably will watch but I liked your description. I love the DC tv universe and the Marvel Cinema Universe. I'm concerned about how dark and gritty the DC Cinema Universe is going to be. Honestly I've always thought DC comics where the more up beat more

How do you add an avatar? I know this is a weird place to ask but it is bugging me. I can't figure it out at all.

Patty is the lesbian, in the episode "There's Something About Marrying" and Homer states Marge should be more worried he would leave her for a sausage patty instead of her sister Patty (season 16 now available on DVD & Blu-ray). Selma adopted the Chinese baby while Homer pretend to be her husband. How hard is that to