
As much as I didn't like Max at all this season (bring it in haters), if that story Max tweeted is true, that's high level bullshit on Ru's behalf and that's not cool.

From reading the comments it looks like I'm one of the only ones who liked Violet from the start. I think she got unfairly labeled as shady by the others early, because they were jealous.

Did anyone else get a Bailey Jay vibe off of Violet's runway look?

My biggest laugh was when Ginj went "whooooo" back but Kennedy very quickly said "wrong note sugar!".

Why not though? It's parody. That means it's fair game. Ask Nathan Fielder about parody law.

Haha I just re watched all of s6 too! And its quality is in stark contrast to this one….. I honestly don't knlw who to root for and normally I have a top 3 by now.

Same. I heard it was interesting, downloaded it and watched it all in about an 1.5 days.

No mention of the Gus Fring audience psyche out when 'Price' pulled up at the parking lot and got out?

Must be weird…… not having people upvote on you?

"Yes….. that's right officer: Pubes. On her face!"

I don't like Max and her affected everything.

I couldn't agree more! I've been watching since s1 and it's the first season where, once I've *cough cough* downloaded the show, I don't immediately stop and watch it…. I know that doesn't sound like a major thing but it really is.


Yeah Merle has been on point this season.

When Jasmine Masters' name is written in the RPDR font, does anyone else read/think "Jasmine Mattress"?

Man, I barely remembered any of the queens being mentioned. None of them really jumped out at me like they normally do .

I just hope my comment can be voted on the up and up.

I don't know if it's my favourite but it is probably my most used Simpsons quote from 'Brother from the same Planet':