Antisocial Networking

Gotta disagree, this album speaks to me like none of their earlier stuff does… maybe because I hadn't really heard them until after I discovered Chuck's solo stuff, but I'm into the more refined (dare I say more mature) sound. Solid A-

I met Greg Dulli at Annie's (Sunday Night Fever!) in about '96 or so… he was sitting at a table by himself, just people watching.  I know, cool story bro…

I pre-ordered this CD from the record label without hearing any of the tracks beforehand…it arrived in the mail over the weekend, so I've a chance to give it a few listens and so far I would say an average C is about right on.  Good, but nothing particularly stands out…

Still have a VCR hooked up to the bedroom TV, strictly so that Mrs. Antisocial and I can enjoy the vast collection of old porn that i dubbed in the '90s…

Strong Bad, nice…

Finally saw The Wrestler… about 3 years too late, fairly typical in the antisocial household.

…in the car, talking to myself… that's Chaos

It struck me as odd that she was cast as Henry VIII's "ugly" wife on The Tudors… seems pretty attractive to me, but then again, i don't have my pick of women like a king would

Yeah, saw McHale do stand up a few years back, and he's a big dude… apparently he played major college football, wide receiver at UCLA if i recall correctly…

Born in '72, and Thriller was the first cassette i ever bought… I had vinyl before that, of course. Still have that tape too, along with a handful of others that i haven't gotten around to upgrading to CD…

Saw the White Stripes three times in 2000/2001 in small venues, and it definitely suits them better than the larger venues they played in later on… still love 'em, and am at least intrigued by every musical pond Jack dips his toes into

I know exactly what you mean Donkey, my parents lived in Singapore in the mid-late 90s and my dad and I both ended up with Mini-Disc players… i still have it in my basement, along with a stack of discs with copies of CDs. Back before I had access to CD burning, I thought I was the shit…

This is my favorite "genre" these days too… huge fan of Tim Barry, Frank Turner, Chuck Ragan and such. Of course, much like them, I'm also an aging and mellowing Gen Xer…

Agreed, two hours of my life i'm never gonna get back…

Yeah, his handling of that axe is awkward to say the least…

Mrs Antisocial used to live in Nashville, and has been to a few great shows at the Ryman… still has friends down there as well, and she promised to take me one of these days!

I live in Indy, so no flying necessary… i do need to re-read Slaughterhouse Five, though, and read Cat's Cradle for the first time.

mrs antisocial and I were both laid out by something our little one brought home from daycare… we were both sicker than he was, not fun at all

Started watching Paranormal Activity 2, gave up after about 20 minutes… watched all of Scott Pilgrim, I enjoyed it but my wife fell asleep. Spent saturday afternoon sick on the sofa, watched Valhalla Rising and Centurion on Netflix instant, good gory stuff

Good news, the DVDs are available from Netflix, so I can watch them to see if they do infact hold up before i have to buy them… not streaming of course, but i'll take it