
sorry guys im a hipster d-bag in training (is it still cool to abbreviate it right? or are we spelling it out now?)

you forgot to come up with a clever "first" of sorts so allow me. First .

lets just hope
one of those criminals is packing some SERIOUS heat.

finally some

no thats the dark knight strikes again,
DKR while not canonical is still batman.

WoG is awesome and so is SMG
but i highly recommend Zack and Wiki: quest for
barbaros treasure. the childish graphics may put you off at first but the game has extremly inventive puzzles.

Saturday hate?

how "out of work actor" do you have to be
before you finally hit rock bottom and
do one of these commercials?

i dont think that was a plug…so much as
"satire" maybe? i mean seth said it
with some SERIOUS sarcasm.

my grammar was off so i decided to double post. not my finest moment but the chance at a firstie on a heroes thread was too much

back in?
It looked like Sylar and Elle were gonna go on a Natural Born Killers like adventure
Count me in! I thought but then the writers brought it to a completely
Anti-climatic ending, im back to hating on the show again

back in?
It looked like Sylar and Elle were gonna go on a Natural Born Killers like adventure
Count me in! I thought but then the writers brought it to a completely
Anti-climatic ending, im be back to hating on the show again
Also WHY does matt turn his head sideways?