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    Also, Thor could not possibly have been 'more satisfying' - it's easily the greatest film ever made.

    Good article. The only problem is even suggesting that the Batman films lose out by spending time on their villains - I'd take either incarnation of the Joker over Ruffalo's Hulk any day, and I'm a) a Marvel fan and b) still obsessively quoting the Avengers like it's going out of fashion.

    Seeing Russell leave is a shame, but then again - giving Walton MF Goggins a bigger part is never a cause for shame.

    The reviews for this show have begun to feel like those 'responses' you had to do in middle school English: "fill two sides of paper with your feelings about the second chapter of The Great Gatsby."
    Also, what's the point of grading anymore? We've moved 30,000 posts past any kind of critical perspective. I suggest,

    Meredith, I'm loving your reviews. Boom.

    I actually like that it didn't occur to you to ask that - kind of a subconscious courtesy. I am, however, disappointed that Jessica Walter never had to ask Cross, "Will you just shut up about this handyman guy already?"

    Shame that a dude who exists in a nexus connecting Larry the Cable Guy and David Cross didn't air his views on that particular spat. Circumspect, yeah, and he seems like too nice a guy to genuinely dislike either of them, but - come on. Just a liiiiiiittle reference would have been interesting.

    "'Was it FUNNY?' I can't answer that for you."

    Isn't 'well-preserved' a backhanded compliment? Julia jus' gawjus. That it. She jus' easy as hell on the ol' eyeballs.

    Sims. You rock.

    There's a couple of comments here expressing 'concern', referencing 'mental health issues', seemingly forgetting that Mel's got one of the great Free Passes of all time.

    Nailed it.

    Meredith, your opening two paragraphs nailed it.

    Ah, the dude's all right. Sure, years of drinking have caught up with him and he says some stupid things, but then again he did make Bird on a Wire with Goldie Hawn. Where he's a robot renegade cop.

    He's got some control issues, that's all. Going through a rough patch.


    Nathan, that's really great news. I think it's cool and self-aware that you've recognized it's time to hand over. I'm in the minority of people who think 30 Rock, at its best, hands even P&R and Community a lesson in funny and smart, and I'm with you on the gradual decline of the show in more recent seasons.

    It's not logically defensible, but this is one major reason I stay away from The Wire. Reason #1, too many people I think are idiots wax orgasmic over the show. Reason #2, David Simon - he has an unearned contempt for people, and his opinion that we're all inevitably going to hell in a handbasket is just hard-bitten

    O'Neal:1. Racism: 0.

    "We are all bullies now."